
Analysis Of Recommended Checklist Communication For UND Student Organizations

Decent Essays

Recommended Checklist Communication for UND Student Organizations

Audience: All of the organizations that are involved with donations and charities on the campus of UND.

Strategy: The vast majority of the groups who will use this service will be members of some sort of on campus organization. We are focusing primarily on how they can make their donations more effective. This point will be made by sticking to the following guidelines:
The Student Involvement committee needs to pre-approve the student’s charity of choice
Student Involvement needs to set up a list of guidelines to donate
The Student Involvement committee will be in charge of deciding the criteria for which charities they will accept or decline students to be a part of. …show more content…

Strategy: Being that we are implementing a new school policy and there is already a start of the semester meeting for all the advisors of student organization groups, we think creating a powerpoint presentation explaining the new policy will be effective. The powerpoint will include as follows:
An introduction briefly describing what the new policy is
Why the the way organizations are donating now isn’t effective and how donating can affect the people they are donating too
Stuff We Don’t Want
Why the change is happening
Describe the new policy effectiveness How to implement the policy into each student organization
Student Involvement Advisor contacts

Projected Effectiveness: We anticipate the powerpoint presentation to go over very well with the advisors of the student organizations. We plan on keeping the powerpoint presentation short and sweet but still getting all of our information across. By doing this presentation at the mandatory advisor meeting at the beginning of the semester, we can ensure that the information is getting out to the organizations.

Closing: This presentation serves as the main gateway to get information out to the students in the University of North Dakota’s Student Organizations. It will ensure that the advisors have all the information they need to ensure their organization is operating within the University’s

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