
Analysis Of Nicholas Carr's 'Is Google Making USupid'

Decent Essays

Is digital technology making us dumb?
Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid” questions the motif of technology and if it is making us smarter or if it has made us so dependent on technology and its facility to do things that we are losing our own ability. Carr asserts “my mind expects to take in information the way the net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles… The more they use the web, the more they have to fight to stay focused on long pieces of writing,” to emphasize the detriments technology has created and its constant environment of perpetual interference. Though because of technology, and the internet, people have become more efficient and are able to attain information faster. Carr concludes that some people tend to forget is that information is not knowledge, that knowledge is the transfer for short memory to long term memory, and the problem is that people tend to take in too much too fast, and overload the short term memory with constant new information and push out other short term memory to make room. But …show more content…

And the internet, allows avid readers to find the top ten books of 2015 so they can go buy them and read them, instead of wasting, possibly days, trying to find a book that sounds interesting. Technology has created a source of unfathomable information where many can find more information on an article they read and spend hours reading up on them. Technology does not cause distractions but it gives a vibe of impatience because people are working quicker and more efficiently and therefore move on to the next

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