
Analysis Of ' My Point Of View ' And ' Perspective '

Decent Essays

In My Point of View by:Gilary Ramirez

Narrative, also known as “Point of view” and “Perspective”, is a very crucial part of any story. It is the way that the story is framed, affecting the manner in which details are relayed to the reader and how the reader connects to the story. Depending on the point of view, characters can be made more or less relatable. The reader can find it easy to sympathise with a main character, or dislike them entirely. All because of the effects of the chosen perspective. First person point of view and third person point of view are the most common, for all that they are starkly different.
First person perspective is usually distinguished by the use of keywords such as I, me, we, and us. The use of such words makes it easier for the reader to connect with the characters as they find themselves easily immersed in the perspective of the character telling the story. Writing from the first person perspective also makes it easier for the reader to sympathise with the character as the reader plays witness to the characters reasoning for their actions. An example of this is the story A&P written by John Updike. At the end of the story we witness Sammy quitting his job out of a misguided sense of chivalry, however we can understand his actions as the story is told in first person perspective. By reading the story from his perspective we witness his admiration of the girls for their daring entrance in their swimsuits, as well as his opinion that once one

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