
Analysis Of My Life In Germany, By Rosa Marie Burger

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The Holocaust was very extreme, forcing victims to make a choice between prioritizing their own survival or allowing a close friend or family member to live. Some people would not have survived unless they could steal clothes or food from another person else, and countless others selflessly surrendered their own resources allowing a family member to stay alive. Night is a novel written by Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel. In Auschwitz, the officers deprived Elie and the other prisoners of food, resources and clean living space. Prisoners had to sacrifice morality if they wanted to live. My Life in Germany is a short story by Rosa Marie Burger. It takes place in the Holocaust's early days and highlights the sharp loss of rights that the German Jews endured. They felt betrayed when their fellow citizens did not speak out. Most people will not remain loyal if it means putting themselves in imminent danger. …show more content…

In this terrible prison camp, Jews were only given a small portion of soup and some bread, and they had to do exhausting labor. They lived in a disease-infested environment and the SS officers killed them in gas chambers when they no longer needed them. The theme betrayal is crucial in this book because Elie witnesses it in many forms while he is in the camp. While on a cattle car, he watches in horror as a boy murders his father for a slice of bread. Similarly, he notices when Rabbi Eliahu's son runs ahead of him, leaving him in the dust. Elie promised himself that he would never betray his own father, but when an SS Officer tells him that it is in his best interest to stop giving him bread, he knows it's the truth. A prisoner sharing his rations and looking after others would not have survived for

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