
Analysis Of Luther Man Between God And The Devil Essay

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Luther Man between God and the Devil is wonderfully written book that was authored by Heiko A. Oberman. The author of the book focuses on Luther’s life history with the overall purpose of discovering the under explored aspects of his life lessons. Oberman hoped to link Martin’s life with eternity and not a continuous progress towards heaven inspired by the chaos in the last days of eternity (Oberman, 1989, 12). Heiko is conscious of the monumental time difference between Martin Luther’s death and the period he constructs the details which comprise this work. During the author’s time of researching the history, theology, and character of Luther. We could argue that one of the over riding focuses of this book is that Luther’s poignant point of view for his life was symbolic of a struggle against the devil, or at the very least our interpretation.
Background on Martin Luther
The story of Luther and the Reformation have been the topic of religious discussion for

centuries. The Papal Authority played a pivotal role in European history, as did the Protestant

Reformers. Luther’s perspective on religious duty makes for an inspiring conceptualization of

religion. The Papal Authority on the other hand had a monumental task of keeping Catholicism

at the forefront of Europe while simultaneously defending it against the advancing Turks.

As protestants we have a tendency to harshly judge the Catholic church for the selling of

indulgence and for taking confession. Yet this

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