
Analysis Of Latinos And The American Dream By Linda Chavez

Decent Essays

Opportunities in America are limited for minorities, yet even more so for the Hispanic population. The American view on what Hispanic people are like are severely one-sided due to the media often portraying them as poor and as criminals. Discrimination has held the Hispanic community back from advancing in society compared to other minorities. Hispanics and the American Dream, written by Linda Chavez, lays out the internal issues that exist within the Hispanic community and how that affects their progress in American society.
The Hispanic population in America has reached more than twenty-one million and is constantly growing, yet they continue to face constant discrimination and “are widely perceived as the drugs of society.” (Chavez, Pg. 57) Chavez declares that Hispanic advocates focus more on the idea of their community’s suppression rather than highlight how Latinos contribute to American society and their admirable efforts in reaching such feats. Research has shown that “the words Hispanic or Latino occurred in close connection with the word poverty” in more than eighteen hundred stories found in print media. (Chavez, Pg. 58) Out of all the Hispanic groups in America, Mexican Americans have the longest history in the United States, however, they have not …show more content…

Due to the focus on children, babies of Mexican decent are born healthier than other races because of the extra emphasis on nutrition that pregnant Mexican mothers set for themselves. Hispanic parents put their children first over their own well-being which clashes with the individualism found in American culture. The Hispanic community has worked to improve their performance in every field of life as “they are building solid lower-middle- and middle-class lives… their education level has been steadily rising, their earnings no longer reflect wide disparities with those of non-Hispanics…” (Chavez, Pg.

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