
Analysis Of Julius Caesar 's ' The Gallic War '

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Critique Essay In this critique of Julius Caesar’s book, The Gallic War, I will be discussing the purpose and accuracy (or in this case, inaccuracy) over his adventures and military campaign against the Gallic tribes. There is a constant debate between historians: The Myth of Certainty. History is all about interpretation and finding truth out of subjectivity. History can often be lost in time as the firsthand accounts will eventually fade out. Even if firsthand accounts remains intact, it is not completely objective. Every person has their own agenda and is biased in one shape or form, no matter how much they try not to be; Julius Caesar is not an exception. I will start this critique by stating the author’s main purpose for writing his book. Secondly I will attempt to decipher the accuracy and inconsistency of Julius Caesar’s account. Finally, I will express my opinion over his commentaries over the Gallic War. There were many reasons to why Julius Caesar wrote his book over the Gallic War. One of these reasons was to help inspire the people of Rome. Rome had just been sacked by the Gaul, creating tension between the Roman people and the Celtic tribes. The growing resentment towards the Gallic people spread like wildfire as political turmoil rise. Although the Romans were very tenacious and persevering, this did not stop the morale blow that many Romans felt.
Another reason for the commentaries was to justify Caesar’s invasion. The number one goal for any war is to

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