
Jasper Jones Quotes

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{Video showing wolf pack} How do you rise above someone’s unethical morality? Rise above the people around you? Rise above them like an alpha wolf of a pack? Well, sometimes rising above the pack isn’t about your physicality, but rather your ability to challenge the prominent beliefs of the pack and chose the correct path in a crossroad.
Welcome! Welcome! To Rodrigo’s Novel Analysis, by your favourite host {drumroll} …RODRIGO! Or… I hope I am your favourite host {Tear’s animation on screen}. {Fast panning shot} Today we will be looking into “Jasper Jones”, a novel that you are all too familiar with! Craig Silvey has constructed Charlie Bucktin as a character who demonstrates the human nature of how maturing results in challenging conventional morals and beliefs. By doing this, Craig Silvey also wanted to convey to his audience that one’s own moral code can see beyond conventional morality, with a deeper and more complex understanding of right and wrong.
Now to illustrate Craig Silvey’s construction of Charlie, his gradual moral evolution can be metaphorically depicted in an ethological social hierarchy – a wolf pack. Yes, you heard me right. Just like how an innocent wolf cub listens to the pack, Charlie initially follows the prominent morality and beliefs of Corrigan. As a wolf matures, it challenges the members of its pack {start fake howling}, similar to how Charlie challenges the conventional morality of the town. Eventually, Charlie can be represented as an alpha

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