
Analysis Of Homer 's The Iliad

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In Homer’s The Iliad, women can often be overshadowed by the strong male warriors that dominate the epic poem. However, many women in The Iliad are central to the plot; without these women the poem would have a drastically different story. The influence of women in The Iliad varies from woman to woman, usually having some effect on the plot, but the extent of their involvement is typically dependent on their status in society. However, even when a woman is in a position of great power, she is still expected to bow to the will of others. Chryseis and Briseis, although treated as property and spoils of war, are the impetus for the actions of Achilles and Agamemnon early in the poem. It is due to the kidnapping of Chryseis that Apollo sends a plague upon the Achaians. Because Agamemnon is forced to give Chryseis back to her father, he starts a quarrel with Achilles. Eventually this quarrel leads to Agamemnon’s demand that he get Achilles’s prize Briseis as a reimbursement for Chryseis. It is because of this that Achilles abandons the Achaian army and asks Zeus to favor the Trojans instead (Book 1). Although Chryseis and Briseis only indirectly cause this, without them it is unlikely that such a quarrel would have arisen and therefore unlikely that Zeus would attempt to aid the Trojans. Although the Achaian men see them as property and believe their lives have no serious importance, they are the reason that the Trojans could potentially overtake the Achaians. One of the most

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