Job interviews are where potential employees ‘sell themselves’ to get the job. This happens regardless of profession and skill, especially when there is a limited number of spots available. Accordingly, everyone applying for a job attempt to make themselves better than they actually are without lying directly, which is where Harry Frankfurt, author of the article “On Bullshit”, says it happens without a second thought. When looking up the definition for bullshit, Frankfort did not look up words meaning bullshit in other languages as he did not know them, but he was fully aware that it did exist in other cultures and older words are used in other languages. As Frankfurt was looking, he found other words such as humbug when he was looking at …show more content…
Frankfurt would have not liked this to happen in the first place and he’s right; there are a need for efforts to clear up these anomalies, especially now.
I find that job interviews are where people ‘fake it until they make it’ and usually it will get the job without a problem. However, with how competitive the workfield is becoming as technology continue to evolve, there is a greater need now to weed out the people who employers are not looking for. Furthermore, I agree with the definition of bullshit and humbug as there is no clear line with what is true and what is false considering how integrated bullshit is in American society. In a lot of Spanish cultures, I know there are other places similar to the US that it’s okay to pass off bullshit in passing, but not when there is coming serious on the line as they want the best qualified people out there to come and work for them.
When I have done interviews for either internships or potential business and job opportunities, there is a need for me to make myself better than others as I want the job just like everyone else. While complete honesty is rare when it comes to ‘selling yourself’, I am contradicting myself when I say it’s not an intelligent move to commit and I do it anyway. Consequently, it looks bad on me if I say something that is not completely true and then not reveal that
Frankfurt starts by comparing bullshit to the word “humbug” and provides a specific reference from Max Black’s work The Prevalence Of Humbug. In this reference
It is actually very hard to be completely honest all the time and in every situation. But I believe that being honest can be very rewarding in the end because you are not deceiving others or yourself which is beneficial to you and society.
We are more comfortable with ourselves and many times we gain a reputation for being truthful, a trait that most people value. Telling the truth helps you feel secure and peaceful inside. As writers these are the same feelings we run into when writing to our audience. Although in many occasions the audience will differ with you and may have opposing point of views, you will always be able to defend yourself with the sufficient information and with clear and true responses. Aswriters we have an important responsibility at our hands. We have to be honest at all times. Honesty is a straightforward conduct. Tell the truth despite
* Assessment of your skills versus job requirements, you may want to apply anyway but be care full! You may get the job but your exaggeration could put in a very awkward position.
I agree completely with Thomas Jefferson. The best way of reaching success is by developing an honest heart. Telling the truth will build your reputation. If you build up you reputation as an honest person, you will be more approachable than someone who has a reputation of being a liar. This is essential for job hiring’s and promotions. If there is a decision on who to hire between someone who is known as a liar and an honest person, the honest person will get the job. Telling the truth also prevents future mistakes. Once you tell a lie, you have to continue to lie to keep the story going. If you tell the truth the first time, you will not have to continue to making up stories. Lance Armstrong lied throughout his whole career about doping to increase performance in cycling. He told lies for many years before finally admitting to doping. His admittance was not received well because he had lied for so long. If he told the truth the first time, his career would not be as tarnished as before. CNN reported his mistake as “The scandal has tarred the cancer charity Livestrong that he founded, as well as tarnished his once-glowing reputation as a sports hero”
Nick Carraway says he honest but you should not have to tell someone you are honest, you should just show them
heard my parents say many times growing up that “ you are as good as your word” and the older i have gotten the more I see how true that saying is. If you are honest that shows others that you meet in your life that you can be trusted. Thomas Jefferson stated that "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Meaning that is one of the first traits out of a personality perspective, to have.
“One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit.”(Frankfurt). This statement truly defines the current situation of our life. I have developed a decent interest in this topic because we are surrounded by it and the majority of people don’t recognize it. There have been a lot of difficulties in understanding this topic as there are no particular theory has been given to this topic. According to Frankfurt bullshit is unavoidable at conditions in which we expect somebody to talk without recognizing what he is discussing. Therefore, the production of bullshit is based on the opportunities that an individual have to express more on a particular topic than his knowledge on the particular topic. We are going to talk about the similarities and differences between lying and bullshit. We will also discuss that which one is more harmful to the society and why, we are also going to discuss about some of the questions that are related to bullshitting in our life and discuss why we are not doing anything about it or it is just a human tendency.
Frankfurt begins his search for the meaning of bullshit by comparing it to the word “humbug,” and referencing the work The Prevalence of Humbug by Max Black. Black gives the definition of humbug: “deceptive misrepresentation, short of lying, especially by pretentious word or deed, of somebody’s own thoughts, feelings, or attitudes.” (118). By examining the definition of a related term, Frankfurt begins his argument
They want the audience to believe the lie they are feeding them in order to receive something from it. Bullshit, on the other hand, can include the truth within, but has no regards for the truth. When bullshitting, you deceive in order to present a new image of yourself and benefit from it. This concept is not false but phony (Frankfurt 47), because it is a lack of concern for the truth (Frankfurt 33).
Honesty will help me succeed because it will help me realize where I need help improving. Lying to myself will not help me achieve anything in the long term especially in school when I am not being honest to myself when I start slacking off. When I turn in work especially for this class as Moodle post we have to be honest to ourselves and with the professor. In this class our professor asked us to attend a club and cultural event at school therefore I needed to be honest with myself and actually attend those event in order to talk about them. Especially being honest to myself when I take my exams in my music class because I would be lying to myself thinking I know everything when I don’t. Being honest at home means the world when I choose to. Honesty in my eyes is amazing but lying is a sin. Lying will slow a person down drastically because all the lie that they speak will eventually run up to
To begin, owning up to one's actions can make you seem more reliable. Physiologists say honesty and reliability relate to each other. Therefore, being conscientious about your actions and owning up will make you more trustworthy.
First of all one should know that you don't have to lie in order to get the job. No matter what the reason or justification for lying, if your resume isn't entirely truthful the likely hood of you getting fired behind it is great. There are more ethical strategies you can use like focusing on your accomplishments in order to get the job.
There tends to be a negative stigma attached with lying; therefore, people are inclined to be honest simply to maintain a positive image of themself. There are a number of ways to look at this. First, people have a natural desire to see themselves in a positive light and like to feel that they are doing what is right. Much of this plays into the previously discussed individual set of morals that people have and doing what they consider ‘morally right’. However, there are cases when people create excuses to justify to themselves that acting dishonestly is the right thing to do. For example, if a man lies by telling his pregnant wife that she doesn’t look overweight, he will justify this lie to himself by claiming that he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings, maintaining a positive image of himself. In addition, people will tend to lie less to avoid making a bad impression to others. Similarly to above, people may use excuses to justify acting dishonestly, simply to maintain their positive impression on others. This shows that in order to maintain a positive impression of oneself on oneself as well as on others, people are inclined to behave honestly and are willing to make excuses to justify acting dishonestly to maintain this impression. This suggests that due to the natural desire to create and maintain a positive impression, people are inherently honest.
In our world, we consider honesty a firm building block in all of our relationships, yet honesty seems to be twisted into something that it’s not. We are losing sight of honesty’s actual meaning: telling the truth. People today have lost their grip on the definition of what it means to be honest, making us—myself included—a part of a society that is more dishonest than ever before.