
Analysis Of Hannah Coulter

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In his book Hannah Coulter, Wendell Berry explores how the trials and tribulations one experiences shape them from the beginning of life until death. Janne Teller writes, “Everything begins only to end. The moment you were born you begin to die. That’s how it is with everything” In detailing Hannah Coulter’s life, Berry shows how the era she grew up in, the people surrounding her, and various life events formed the qualities and characteristics of the woman she became.
Beery Starts his exploration of how a person is shaped by their life by starting at, of course the beginning. The main character, Hannah Coulter is born in 1922 in a fictional place called Hargrave, Kentucky. She is an only child. living on a small family farm with her …show more content…

And Grandmam,as I have seen in looking back, was the decider of my fate. She shaped my life, without of course knowing what my life would be. She taught me many things that I was going to need to know, without either of us knowing I would need to know them. She made the connections that made my life, as you will see. If it hadn’t been for her what would my life have been? (11) An example of molding and shaping ones’ values lies in the theme of education throughout the book. Education was important to Grandmam because she only went to the 8th grade. So, wanting a better life for her granddaughter, she ensured Hannah not only graduated high school but was valedictorian as well. Hannah, in turn, ensured that her children continued farther by graduating college themselves. Transition from being a child to being an adult. The certain age at which the transition takes place as does the nature of change. The choice to place Hannah Coulter’s story as growing up and coming of age in the 20s-40s allows the reader to consider for themselves the contrast between that culture and one of today. After graduation Hannah was gently pushed out of the nest and expected to be self-sufficient, finding a job and a husband. This was accepted and even expected by Hannah, unlike in today’s era in which children often remain with their families well into adulthood. While knowing that Hannah had the support,

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