
Analysis Of Girl In Translation By Jean Kwok

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Tuohang Zeng Ms. Serafini Period. 6 3 November 2016 New life changes a person from inside Changes happen all the time. Sometimes people change themselves and sometimes the environment changes them. In Girl in Translation, by Jean Kwok, the protagonist Kim experiences many changes. Kim and her mom immigrated to America in her early ages, they experienced hardships because they owed aunt Paula, the one who brought them into America, an unpayable debt. They were living in a deteriorated apartment with a few presents from aunt Paula, and with roaches and rats running across the rooms. Especially during the cold winter season, they had no heater but an oven which was the thing they depended most upon the to survive, they were having all the activities …show more content…

Kim sees the intentions and the cunning nature of Aunt Paula few days after they arrived in New York. “She’d done it all on purpose: letting us move on a weekday instead of during the weekend, giving us the presents at the last moment. She wanted to drop us here and have the factory as an excuse to leave fast, to get out when we were still thanking her for her kindness” (Kwok 7). As a young girl, she sees the whole story of the reception with a macro view that aunt Paula wants to drop Kim and her mom at the apartment without paying further attentions. Other teenagers, for instance, may not be able to notice the intentions of such person, they would think that it is all normal and they would fell into the happiness of getting the TV and the radio. Kim soon realizes that everything has been well planned after they settled down. Aunt Paula chose a weekday and to give them some presents so she can escape from further questions and keep their mouths shut with the presents so that they cannot complain about their living conditions. Likewise, Kim sees aunt Paula’s intentions for lowering their wages as finishers at the factory. “And then I knew. Aunt Paula had seen me working fast. Too fast. We’d started earning more, and she’d calculated that we could receive less and still survive. And I’d imagined I was impressing her” (Kwok 171). Kim once thought that the amount of work people put in …show more content…

Kim protects mom from being swindled by the Chinese repairman that purposely ruined their oven and made the problems even worse. “At this, I spoke up. ‘You’ve made it much worse than it was! You are trying to beat on our leg bones!’ He was trying to take advantage of us… I was afraid Ma would cave in and agree to pay him later” (Kwok 221). Kim is afraid that her mom will take the step sooner than her; she is very outspoken and she values justice. For Kim and mom, the heat is their “leg bones” that they cannot live without it. But for mom solely, she only hopes to get the failures fixed as soon as possible even though the repairman asked for 100 dollars. Kim stood up, and she played a small trick that drove the untruthful repairman out of the house and prevented mom from being swindled. Similarly, Kim stood up and spoke out for Park when Park was getting bullied by a group of Chinatown teenagers fooling around. “Vivian just stood there frozen. I stood in front of Red Bandanna.’ Stop it!’ I reached up and pulled the cloth off his head” (Kwok 225). Kim is not afraid and she speaks up for the minorities to help earn justice and fairness. Compared to Vivian, she is outspoken that she would express the things she valued: the justice, the equality among all people. Moving to America changes Kim for the better because Kim becomes more outspoken especially towards

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