
Analysis Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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The short story Everyday use written by Alice walker is about a mother and her two daughters. The story is written in a first person point of view and it starts with the narrator which is the mama waiting in the yard with Maggie her youngest daughter. Mama waits in the yard with Maggie who is scared from the fire that destroyed their old house. We learned that Dee always wanted more than what mama offered and that she hated the old house. As mama hesitantly wait dee in the yard she fantasies about what it would be like reuniting with Dee on a T.V. talk show. Through Mama’s description of Dee, we learn that she is intelligent and headstrong. Finally a car pulls up in the driveway: Dee arrives with a young man by the name of Hakim a barber. Dee is dressed in long dress and she announces that her name is no longer Dee but Wangero which is an African name. Mama argues with her about why would she want to change her name which is her aunts name. They all then head inside to eat. As they are eating Dee starts to request things that were in the house: she requested a butter churn that was made by her uncle along with other things. After eating Dee went and start rifling through mama’s trunk. She found some quilts which was made from bits and pieces of her grandmother cloths. Dee ask Mama if she can have them, mama was surprised at first because those were the same quilts Dee refused sometime in the past. Mama refuse to give Dee the quilts as they were reserved for Maggie. Dee

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