
Analysis Of Dale Carnegie 's On Skills As A Business Owner

Decent Essays

TO: Mr. Jes Methipara, Aspiring business owner
FROM: Ms. Samantha Nartadam, Student
DATE: December 14, 2015
RE: Techniques to Consider

Your desire to start your own business is admirable. Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People would assist you in furthering your business. Please consider the following techniques when cultivating your skills as a business owner.

What’s in it for them?

Many times, people only care about how they will be benefitting in any situation. Because of this, business owners always need to think about what their employees or consumers will be getting out of any transaction. This is the most effective way to win them over. Business owners need to clearly illustrate the benefits for those who have their company in consideration. According to Dale Carnegie, he was once approached by the company that owns the grand ballroom that he lectures in. The company said that they were going to be charging Carnegie at a higher price. Rather than speaking from his own experience, Carnegie explained to the company how charging him more would actually be detrimental to their company. By only speaking calmly about the company and not himself, he was able to effectively convince the company not to overcharge him.

In my personal life, if I ever want to convince someone to do what I desire, I always lay out how it would benefit them. When I want my friends to accompany me to places that they have no desire to go to, I try to illustrate the

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