
Analysis Of Cullman County Schools And Its Local Schools With Systemic Goals And Initiatives

Decent Essays

Cullman County Schools
A leaders vision is embedded in all of their actions and thinking. My VISION seeks to:

• Unify Cullman County Schools and its local schools with systemic goals and initiatives to improve instructional outcomes while advancing the strategic plan.

• Build human capital that will drive our school progress toward school goals by improving teacher and leader capacity.

• Promote growth by providing the means for people to stretch while addressing the challenges associated within local context.

• Work to advance positive values and beliefs of schooling, teachers, students and the organization of Cullman County Schools.
Action Plan

1. Identify long-term and short-term objectives to meet both my vision and the goals of the strategic plan through continuous needs assessments.
2. Identify multiple measures that will serve as evidence of progress toward the declared objectives.
3. Based on system data, clarify and choose research-based strategies that are timely and structured in our context.
4. Plan for professional development and continuous progress monitoring and support of strategies over a minimum of three years.
5. Reevaluate the system climate for change and identify support structures and activities that will advance our strategy.
6. Identify leaders that can facilitate and advance the strategies, collect reliable data, and monitor overall progress.
7. Identify and initiate professional development first for

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