After reading the article, I have come to the opinion that childfree people have legit reasons to not conceive or birth children and their reasons are not just completely black & white choices for their decision. In the article “Childfree by Choice” by Kelly J. Welch, goes well in depth in the increasing growth of young people deciding to not have children. The article brings in factual evidence and intriguing viewpoints that percentages of young or childless adults in modern has a high jump compares to it’s past recordings. The evidence in the article shows multiple reasons theses people chosen this option, but brings up three prominent and logical opinions on what lead to them choosing to not have children. I understand and relate to this topic more than anything else, for I am a young adult myself trying to find my place in this world and one of the main things in my head that constantly comes up is the potential to become a parent later on down the future. Also I am witnessing an increase of my former high school peers becoming parents at very young ages, where an average citizen would think these next generation has much more to give than being a parent right now. So with this thought into my brain I taken the three reasons that interest me to why some people don’t want kids, which are timing, career, and personality. One of beliefs to not have children is the timing of planning to have the child in the first place, as some young adults would state that having the child is one thing, but when I have the child is born matters. Basically what time period is okay to try to have a baby, as for childless people would have multiple reasons to which it’s not good time; for example being too young of age, world doesn’t really seem safe now, not really financially stable at this time, and etc. Bringing up again to me witness this to the time that child comes in place could literally be my first look upon this. My cousin graduated high school, but finish school with a newborn. Now that experience watching my cousin having this child immediately makes life harder for him without even seen the outcome of his circumstance. If one person could have a dream in mind then what use of child is needed in that
Have you ever wanted a child? For those that are not dealing with pregnancy, this is a very simple question, that can be answered with only a, “Yeah, having one wold be neat in the future,” or, “No thanks, I don’t really like kids,” But what about those that are pregnant? Having this question of whether or not someone truly wants a child or not can be very complicated for those that maybe aren’t financially stable, have been sexually assaulted and the child is a result of that, or maybe, its just that the person isn’t ready. For those that are not equipped for such a task of responsibility, what would they do? There are several possible options that could be done for those that do not want to have children, or for those that are pregnant but
Though raising children is a good there are times when it is not the best action. For example, if the mother couldn’t provide adequate care for the child. Hursthouse lists several examples, but essentially the only reason you should not have an abortion is if there is something impeding your ability to flourish (e.g. health, work, financial inadequacy). What this means is that other reasons for having an abortion (e.g. a child would impede fun, restrict freedom, etc.) are not only selfish, but are keeping the agent who performs them from
The one child policy is a horrible law. The one child policy was instituted on September 25, 1980 in China a little more than 34 years ago. The one child policy limits every family to having one child only, to reduce population growth. There are endless reasons on why the one child policy is a very negative law. Gender inequalities, forced abortions, and not enough young people to take care of the elderly are just some of the many problems with the one child policy. The one child policy is one of the most ridiculous things that has ever happened.
There are many reasons and scenarios to why people may have difficulties in raising a child. Financial reasons may be one of the major reasons people consider abortions or adoptions. It cost a fairly decent amount of money to raise a child and provide for it. In some tragic cases women decide to have an abortion or an adoption due to rape. In such a case it is almost conceivable to consider that as being an exception. Premarital relations and teenage pregnancies are other reasons as to why one would choose either of these alternatives. No teenager wants to be a parent or be forced to grow up while they are still in their youth. In today’s society, the
Children, adolescent, and teenagers do not have the maturity to make a decision that essentially affects the rest of their life. Furthermore, scientifically the frontal lobe of the brain that influences rational thought is not fully developed until twenty-five years of age. However, look at the information given in the article, families want to reduce premarital sex as if a female can have sex alone, and the burden of taking care of and providing for their female child. This translates to me that no matter the repercussions our daughter will face, she is no longer the responsibility of the family. Another desensitizing way that societies view
Is it okay to kill a child never born? Is it okay to deprive a mother of giving breath to another life? It is okay to burden an only child’s shoulders with responsibilities?A one child policy would inflict these issues upon many families. Although there are credible arguments to support each side of the debate, it is clearly inappropriate for the government to enact one-child legislation in order to control the population.
I believe being childfree can be good for some women. Some women don’t have the “maternal instincts”. Without maternal instincts, some mother might not be loving to her child. Some women are more focused on their careers and don’t have a lot time to spend with the child. While other women may feel the world is too dangerous for children. Some women sometimes don’t have a choice to be childfree because of medical reasons and these women may start focusing on their self to found being childfree is what they really enjoy. I can see both sides being very beneficial. I, however chose to have children and I enjoy been a mother but I don’t feel it’s for everyone.
"More than 200,000 children have been involved in a child marriage in the last fifteen years," says Chris Baynes, an author at The Independent. When the words "child marriage," are said, I used to think of a third world country. I think of someone that I thought of as "uncivilized" or as "inhumane," but many people, including me, would be shocked to know that child marriage happens right here in our "civilized" United States. On top of the fact that it generally happens here, it is completely legal in twenty-five states! The other twenty-five states have minimum ages but the loopholes that those laws have are astonishing. Many of the laws loopholes, according to Nurith Aizenman, the writer of "The Loopholes That Allow Child Marriage in the
3. One of the major impacts of couples not having children would have on society has been seen in China with their one child policy. The population will have a larger number of elderly to take care of than it will have of a working population to take care of them, such as social security. Having a child
Just because someone says they are ready to have kids doesn’t mean they are actually mature enough to have them. There are thousands of cases of people who have kids because they feel they are ready for this responsibility but are really not and it causes kids to have a rough start in life.
“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach,” W.E.B DuBois. If this statement is true, then one could say that becoming pregnant and starting a family later in life would be beneficial to the growth of a child. A woman over 35 would have lived more, had more life experience, and in most cases, be a more mature, stable person. However, society and medical books would say differently. As so many remind those creeping up on thirty who are childless about their “ticking biological clock”, we fight as a society to what is the norm and what is the best for our lives.
The one-child policy is the one-child limitation in the population control policy of the People's Republic of China. The Chinese government refers to it under the official translation of family planning policy. It officially restricts married, urban couples to having only one child, while allowing exemptions for several cases, including rural couples, ethnic minorities, and parents without any siblings themselves. A spokesperson of the Committee on the One-Child Policy has said that approximately 35.9% of China's population is currently subject to the one-child restriction. The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are completely exempt from the policy. Also exempt from this law are foreigners living in China.
There are some aspects of this argument that are flawed. In the first place it is subtlety implied that having a child is immoral unless they can provide economic benefit to their parents. One would take issue with that statement as it is indirectly implied that the sole point of someone having a child is so they can exist as for a lack of a better word cash cow. That type of statement can come across to some as insensitive as Rachel’s is simply stating that the only purpose for having children is so they can provide for their parents not so they can be someone to be loved and cared
On average, women in the U.S. typically want to have two children (“Unintended Pregnancy in the United States”). In order to accomplish this, a woman will have to spend around three years pregnant, postpartum or attempting to become pregnant. They will also have to spend about three decades trying to avoid an unintended pregnancy, which is more than three-quarters of her reproductive life (“Unintended Pregnancy in the United States”). There are many different reasons that contribute to why most couples and individuals may want to plan the timing of when they have children, while also avoiding unintended pregnancies. Pregnancies can be expensive. Total costs to U.S. taxpayers from unintended pregnancies have been estimated to range from
Women who postpone conceiving are more financially secure. One U.S. study found that a woman ‘s earnings increase 9% for every year she postpones having a child.