
Analysis Of ' Chasing Lincoln 's Killer '

Decent Essays

. Swanson, James L. Chasing Lincoln’s Killer. New York: Scholastic Press, 2009.
2. Chasing Lincoln’s Killer is a biography, as it mainly focuses on John Wilkes Booth’s plan to assassinate the president along with the secretary of state and vice president, the actual assassinations in action, and Booth’s attempt to escape to the south, along with personal retellings of what happened by the people involved.
3. Swanson has been fascinated with the assassination of Lincoln since he was ten when his Grandma gave him an engraving of the pistol John Wilkes Booth used to kill Lincoln. Swanson now serves on the advisory council of the Ford’s Theater Society and is a member of the advisory committee of the national Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. He is a lawyer in Washington D.C. He was born on Lincoln’s birthday and has collected books, documents and artifacts about the life and death of Abraham Lincoln all his life. He has also published other books on the same subjects: Manhunt: The 12-day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer and Lincoln’s Assassins: Their Trial and Execution.
4. Chasing Lincoln’s Killer is a complete retelling of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln along with the 12-day manhunt that followed for the infamous John Wilkes Booth and his accomplices. The Confederacy has just recently lost the Civil War to the Union. John Wilkes Booth, a devoted confederate, decides to do something with his strong anger towards the union: killing the president of the United States.

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