
Analysis Of CTA200 Unit 1 Assignment 1

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The short answer to this question is yes and no as it is situational dependent. Assuming these items were never issued to the Soldier, then the Commander may be misinformed on the policies pertaining to this situation. In accordance with CTA 50-900 (para. 4, part c), locally procured items can be purchased by units when they are not available in the Army supply system. These items must not be issued as requirements, and should meet American National Standards Institute recommendations if possible. Furthermore, CTA 50-900 (para. 8, part b), states an individual can be issued a supplemental allowance for items required that may not be a part of clothing/equipment issued to most Soldiers. If these items were not a part of the Soldier’s initial …show more content…

If this Soldier is being required to purchase the cleaning kit or sewing kit, it is likely the rest of the unit is going to have to make the same purchase. It makes sense for the Commander to steer toward seeing if the specific items are available in the Army supply system and purchase them with unit funds. If this is not an available option, the Commander’s next course of action should be to compile a list of items he/she wants their Soldiers to have that may not be standard issue items. This should be submitted as a supplemental clothing allowance request for those Soldiers who require the items. If the Soldier in question had been issued these items, his/her leadership should counsel on the importance of accountability and require the Soldier to purchase the items as a replacement. I could not find a regulation stating it is acceptable for leadership to require certain brands be purchased. The Soldier should only be required to purchase the standard issue items, and should also be given adequate time to save for the expenses. In this situation, one pay period is likely adequate due to the low cost of the items in

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