
Analysis Of Artemisia Gentileschi's Judith Beheading Holofernes

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Artemisia Gentileschi’s Judith Beheading Holofernes
Although now praised for her work as an incredibly accomplished, feminist artist, Artemisia Gentileschi’s works were nearly expunged from history by those who believed her incapable of such skill. As a female painter in the 17th century she faced innumerable challenges in pursuing work as an artist, including, but not limited to; her exclusion from apprenticeship in the arts, the damage sustained to her reputation after a lengthy rape trial in which she was tortured to prove her credibility and subsequent defamation after the trial. After her death critics claimed her work as her father’s or husband’s, not until recently did she begin to see the credit she deserved (Poggioli, 2016). One of her most famous …show more content…

These works both demonstrate her use of dramatic chiaroscuro, most likely as a result of the influence of Caravaggio in her training, and her vivid use of color, as well as her ability to capture a moment in time on canvas (Art History Archive).
In Judith Slaying Holofernes (V. II.) circa 1620, Gentileschi depicts the climactic moment of the biblical story in which Judith, with the help of her maidservant, decapitates Holofernes. While a popular subject to be painted at the time, Gentileschi’s depiction is unique in the way that she “…creates a far more violent and graphic scene, dramatizing the intense physical effort required on the part of Judith and her maid to kill their enemy…” (Visual Arts Cork). In fact, Cosimo de Medici, for whom this work was commissioned for, kept the work hidden from public view on account of how graphic it was (Conliffe, 2016). Her portrayal differs greatly from the way many painters at the time painted this story, specifically in the way that both Judith and her maidservant are much more physically and purposefully involved in this act of violence. It is important to

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