
Analysis Of Aristotle 's ' The Masterpiece Work Physics Essay

Decent Essays

It is a great pleasure once again to write to you my dear friend. I have been studying this semester about Aristotle’s physic and it definitely which opened my eyes. In our generation it is easy for me to not give value to the realities that happen in my daily life. There are many things that we take for granted like time, chance, change, place etc... For example in today’s society the is a strong belief that time is equal to money and it is so difficult to give one’s time to friend and family because time is mostly misused. Every second there are many events that changes depending on particular causes and we taking for granted because we are so used to our changing world and our life is based on time. But who is the cause of changes, why it time so important to us, what is is space, who causes motion? These are the basic factor that we face every single day. I will use Aristotle’s masterpiece work physics to explain what time is, and how relates to change. I will explain the causality of changes. Hopefully at the end of my work you come to an understanding that there must be a supreme being who is behind chance, time, change, motion. If God is not behind time, change, change, the harmony of beings would be absurd.

When a child achieve the age of reason he start asking what is this and why like this. Knowledge is the object of our inquiry, and men do not think they know a thing till they have grasped the ‘ why’ of it which is to grasp the primary cause.1After

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