
Analysis Of Angela Lee Duckworth 's ' The Pillow Talk '

Decent Essays

Pillow Talk
Have you ever laid your head down on your pillow after a long tired day at work, after all the tedious tasks of everyday life and asked yourself, am I living a well lived life or am I here just wasting space? It might appear as a question without an answer; by the end of this essay you will poses the key to the answer. While attending college after 8 years on break I recently rediscovered what it means to live eloquently and with tenacity, this has lead me to be blissful. You can find out what your motion in life is and what it means to not be insignificant in life. It is crucial to have grit, ethics, and empathy in order to live a meaningful life.

If you have ever said to yourself, I have no determination in life, I fall flat in everything I attempt; if we all gave up at the sight of failure, no one would ever realize whichever goals they have in life. Angela Lee Duckworth tells Deborah Perkins-Gough that being gritty or having grit is to be resilient in the face of failure or adversity. If you live by a code, of, “If I can’t do it the first time I will not try again” you will never undertake anything. Many studies have been conducted that explicitly say successful people are not just smart, but also strong in the face of challenges. In the article, “What if the secret to success is failure?” Levine collaborates, “The students who persisted in college were not necessarily the ones who had excelled academically at KIPP; they were the ones who were able to

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