
Analysis Of Alan Turing's Views On Morality

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I way society reacted to Alan Turning being gay, made me think about morally. Is there a set morally or does society have a different sense of morally in different places and time? Does morally change over time or just are idea of morally? But also I think if Alan Turing didn’t have such a passionate relationship with Christopher that to some would not have been morally right would we have crack enigma. There the idea of morally, what people were supposed to be Alan a heterosexual or Pat who was to intelligent for her society as she said “it was considered a waste of time to give a girl a good education and if you showed a degree of intellectual ability, people seemed to regard you with a degree of suspicion” (pg. 47-48), Patricia is going …show more content…

The main points will not change it not moral to kill someone or to steal from someone. But, some culture does believe it ok to kill or all of society has rich billionaire steal from the poor even if it not by society thought of as wrong it is. Morally main points are not fluid, are understanding of morality is but the idea is not. Just because something society thinks something is ok, it the societal norms doing not make it moral, was it morally right to have slavery in the 18 th century, or was it moral to arrest people for being homosexual in Britain no but it was thought of as moral at the time. This may prove to some that morally is fluid and can change this is false. This is like the idea of cliques just because the teachers or government were accepting something does not mean it is right. We need to fight societal norms to advance like Alan Turing fought norms and people ideas of not just sexual but of science and math creating the template for a computer. Look at Emilie and how see fought the societal norms of being a noble woman, who rose her kids and obey her husband, who was a beautiful statute, but to study and to learn. To challenge French society scientific beliefs, there trust in Newton, she thought of the idea of squaring mass instead of Newton theory in his Principia Mathematica. As a child I transfer school’s multiple times. From each school there was different structure not …show more content…

Think of the people that kill and justify it with faith or love. Belief and emotions can change someone ideas of morally and the big question is where is the line. When do we need to look at a problem like a computer not a person. We sometimes need to turn off are fear and emotion and decide what is the best way to save the most people. The problem is the train problem, if a train was going down a track and you had to either flip the switch and kill one man or kill twenty most people would flip the switch. But if you had the same case but instead of flipping the switch you had to push the man on the tracks most could not do it. This is because we are emotional people, but we do have the practical and analytical intelligence and can analyze I problem and see the math you lose one or twenty. But maybe it would be I good things to turn off care for a second and push the man in front of the train because wouldn’t can save twenty men. This is why we are not computers, we have morally and emotions that can we very helpful but sometimes hurtful. The train case one’s care and lack of strength lead to twenty deaths instead of one, so the question is can morally and emotional be a demerit. Would certain times be better if we could think like computers, this an age old question and I believe no but, maybe the other side has a point, the computer would have saved twenty men and killed

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