
Analysis Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

Decent Essays

How much of what happens in our lives do we actaully control? It’s very obvious that there’s always an justification of each individual’s actions. Was it the individual’s own choices or some outside force that influenced the actions? For example, parents mosly excercise control over a child’s life. The responsibility of the parents to make the choice of cultivation of their child, mostly affects the outcome of the child’s life. The influence of the parents’ parents probably aided them in making that choice, also. However, when the child gets older, it’s his/her responsibility on how they want to live their life. Personal choices affects the fallout of lives. Outside forces and choices act jointly to create road maps of futures. Childhood is …show more content…

A war breaksout in Sierra Leone and Ishmeal is quickly sepperated from his family, during the invasions in villages. From their on his choices affected the way on how he wanted to survive. Ishmeal and his friends are captured by a group of soldiers and are put to work in a nearby village. Ishmeal has costant about the nightmares of rebels taking over villages. He is also worried on where is family might be. Then James finds out that the rebels are winning the war and the army are in an desperate need of troops, “That is why we should kill every single one of them. Think of it as destroying a great evil. It is the highest service you can perform for our country” (108). It was Ishmeal’s choice on either to join the army and hopefully survive, or leave the village and his chances for survival are low. He chooses to join and take revenge for the rebels that poentnially killed his family. But the brainwashing of the army of killing for revenge and his excess use of drugs, affected part of his life. This is why was not fond of the love and comfort at the rehabilitation center. Ishmeal felt betrayed by the lieutenant when he is picked to go with the UNICEF. This why he’s angry and upset in the rehabilitation center and never seemed to find happiness. Esther breaks through Ishmaeal when she tells him to explain his experiences in the war and told him to write down the lyrics to the rap songs. Music is helping him heal and Esther patience and kidness is saving Ishmeal from hismself. Ishmeal realizes it’s not truly his fault, when he goes to the conference in New York City and hears from all of the children from war zone countries experiences, “I proudly sat behind the Sierra Leone name plaque, listening and waiting for my turn to speak” (199). As he listened to the other kid’s stories, he realized he’s not alone suffering. If these kids can survive the harships, then he can too. Outside

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