
Analysis Of ' A Doll 's House '

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The role of being a husband in both A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen and Fences by August Wilson is failed to a certain extent due to the fact that they cannot meet the expectations of their wives. By failing to do so, they both damage their relationships. In Fences, we learn that Troy Maxon’s failure as a husband started when he cheated on his wife, Rose, with another woman, who soon became pregnant with his child. In A Doll’s House, Nora would do anything to save her husband, Torvald, but that that feeling wasn’t mutual, and in the end, Torvald shows Nora who he really is, someone she did not expect him to be.
In Fences, we learn that, when Rose and Troy first met, Troy told Rose, “Baby, I don’t wanna marry, I just wanna be your man” …show more content…

Rose may have thought an affair was possible in the early years of their marriage, but after eighteen years, those expectations have changed. His excuse for this affair was that it got him “…away from the problems and pressures” in the house and that he could “…be a different man” (Wilson 180). “I can sit up in her house and laugh. Do you understand what I’m saying. I can laugh out loud…and it feels good,” said Troy (Wilson 180). Rose responded, “What the hell was I there for? That was my job, not somebody else’s” (Wilson 180).
Troy doesn’t understand the role that he plays as a husband. He doesn’t understand that, just because he hit a bump in the road, it doesn’t mean he can do whatever pleases him. Rose explains to him that she’s had problems and pressures in her life as well, but she decided to be strong and hold on to Troy no matter what, because that is her responsibility as a wife. “…Don’t you think it ever crossed my mind to want to know other men? That I wanted to lay up somewhere and forget about my responsibilities? That I wanted someone to make me laugh so I could feel good? You not the only one who’s got wants and needs,” said Rose (Wilson 181). Even those Rose knew Troy wasn’t the finest man in the world, she stood by his side as a loyal and loving wife. Troy failed to meet the expectations of being a husband and keeping up with his responsibilities as one. Rose knew finally saw that after the announcing of his affair

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