
Analysis: Night Of The Long Knives

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The message of this source is that Hitler will do anything to consolidate a place in the Reichstag. This cartoon was published on 3rd July 1934, the day after the Night of the Long Knives took place, where Hitler got rid of the SA by killing the members. Hitler done this because he saw the SA as a threat to his position because they were disliked by the German military and regular civilians. Behind Hitler are the dead bodies of SA men which shows that Hitler has already killed members of his own party (including leader Rohm) to make the Nazis seem like a better party to the German public. The caption "They salute with both hands now" shows how the one-handed Nazi salute of loyalty has became a two-handed salute of surrender because Hitler is now going to murder them. The words "The double cross" surround Hitler's swastika because he has betrayed the SA by getting rid of them to consolidate power, even though they were his first group of Nazis. The newspaper on the floor reads "Hitler's unkempt promises" which again shows how disloyal Hitler is to the SA because he has turned his back on them …show more content…

The photo was published in 1935 to portray Hitler as a kind, friendly figure to distract from the bad things he done previously to achieve power (Munich Putsch, Night of the Long Knives). The children are giving Hitler flowers because the Nazis want the public to know that even a group of people who don't understand politics are supporting Hitler and that they should do the same. Also, the children are dressed in traditional clothing which shows that Hitler is nationalistic and that he is the "father" of the country so the people should put their loyalty to him. Children are included in the photograph because they are the future generation of Nazis and if they support Hitler, so should the adults. The Nazis wanted the public to know this so they would support him more if he loved Germany and wanted the best for the

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