The old adage considered it an error to enhance something that already works such as, if the system, plan, or method is working extremely well then there is really no reason at all to transform or modify it (If it’s not broke, don’t fix it, 2016). According to the article, It's Famous Last Words: If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It, stated that,” the digital age, if you persist with an inflexible IT strategy until something breaks, your business could break (Waterhouse, 2014).” Success and triumph comes from the organization rapidly marketing their offerings, how they form their IT services, and how much do they know about the essential roles that IT operates when it pertains to the renovation of the organization. In my opinion, I believe the
The novel Every Last Word written by Tamara Ireland Stone is a beautiful, realistic portrayal of OCD and anxiety disorders of a 16 year old girl, named Samantha McAllister. It grabs the reader from the very first page and does not let them go. Every Last Word tells the story of a high school junior Samantha-Sam. She suffers from Purely-Obsessional OCD, but does not want anyone to find out about it. She is a part of a group of popular girls, the “Crazy Eights”, her so called friends, she has known since elementary school. Sam hides her secret even from her “best friends”. The Crazy Eights not understanding her disorder is not the only reason she keeps it under wraps. She yearns to fit in and feel and seem like a normal teenager, just like everyone
As we head into the future, it important for any business organization to be prepared. The evolution of business technologically is rapid, and it’s important to
Any business or company that uses Information Technology (IT) for its operation and is leveraging it for gaining competitive advantage also needs to think about other aspects of the technology. Technical advancement and innovations alone are not sufficient to make any business attractive. IT definitely plays a huge role in the highly competitive business world now than before because of the advancement in the area and various ways it can influence the rise or fall of the business.
Moreover, Carr asserts that IT has lost its strategic value. He argues that IT is no longer strategic because it has stopped to be scarce goods. In addition, he mentions that profit margins on IT related innovations will disappear. This argument is based on capital intensive goods such as railroads and steam engines. I disagree with this statement. IT should not be compared to such goods. The marginal cost of IT products does not increase with greater scale. Thus, any business that can decrease marginal cost by installing IT can make IT investments profits large and gain improved strategic value.
The facts have shown when changes are planned to integrate with the existing systems slowly replacing the outdated process with a more productive one the business functions do improve. IT
A wise man once said, “The only permanent thing in the world is change,” an adage that rings especially true for organizations in this fast-changing era of technology and communication. Daft very deftly puts the inescapable need for change in three simple words, “Innovate or Perish” in his book “Understanding the Theory & Design of Organizations” [2].
No matter the business to goal is to profit with little cost of attaining the profit. Technology has the most dramatic effect on business. A newer faster operating system can improve the efficiency to the company. New technology almost always offers way to make things run smoother with less chance or error and stay ahead of the competition. Not being caught up the newest technology can lead the competitor to have the upper hand. Employees will feel more confident and less likely to question the progress of the company if technology is something that isn’t lacking. The first step of the four function of management is planning. Planning cannot be done if there is not technology, much less up to date technology. Planning is a never ending step in the process, it is necessary for a company to sustain. Organizing the next step. Management must organize the structure of the business and evenly distribute the resources. Technology helps setting up and distributing the right information to the right departments. Directing, step number three requires never ending communication. This allows managers to allocate tasks to fix areas of weakness to improve and strengthen a company. Controlling is the last of the four functions. Technology helps companies establish standards, and help show ones job performance. Having this as a tool helps with areas of improvement for lower level members of a company as well as on up to the big dogs. Controlling is
However, people will not get out of their “comfort zone” without being motivated. This leads to the second error by leaders, which is not creating a powerful enough guiding coalition. Regardless of the size of the organization, the change effort should continually grow to include more and more people who believe that the changes are necessary (Kotter).
The only problem with that is that it’s a temporary solution. The objective of business is continual growth. Therefore the system has to evolve and grow with the growth of the organization.
* Are the current business methods acceptable to the user? If they are not, Users may welcome a change that will bring about a more operational and useful systems.
In the book Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution, Michael Hammer and James Champy discuss a concept that he originated known as “reengineering”. The process of reengineering involves coming up with new ideas, specifically processes, which are technologically advanced and extremely effective in completing corporate work. Companies must think ahead so that they will not only succeed today, but also set the rules for future business. A critical part of reengineering involves ignoring the current procedures and structures that have been set by a company and replacing them with more efficient processes. In creating these new processes, companies must focus on the needs and wants of consumers. This will ensure customer satisfaction, which is a key part of maintaining a competitive advantage in today’s world.
Once a company has an advancement in their IT systems, it will be harder for others companies to compete in the same business. These new rivals have to invest heavily to reach the same level of the company that invest in its IT systems before them. Also, these rivals will try to copy the successful company while the successful company works on something more advance.
Your technology isn’t keeping pace with the growth of your organization. As your company grows, your technology should be an asset, not a burden. Maybe your IT guy is fantastic, but he has his hands full juggling day-to-day issues. As your company grows, so will the demands on your systems and technology and someone with a strategic mindset and the right expertise should be assessing your future needs and how to leverage technology.
The major underlying assumption is that legacy systems are holding up businesses. There is numerous business potential together with the operational value that is tied to legacy systems. The cost of transition to modern or updated systems is not just in monetary terms but also in time (Connolly, & Begg, 2010). There are mainly three ways of combating legacy systems; continue, upgrade or replace. The value proposition of each of the choices is the daunting task for most organizations. Can they take up the cost and effort of replacing a system? How long can they use the current system? Is an upgrade helpful and what are the changes that will come with it? The fact that business is perpetually changing and adapting to new requirements every
In conclusion every individual should accept the need for being constantly updated and upgraded in the IT changes, because businesses have met this need and seeks