
Analyse Leadership Qualities

Better Essays

1. Assess your own reliability as a teammate. More specifically, what have you done for the team that displays leadership qualities? Cite specific examples.
Perhaps one of the foremost examples that demonstrates my capacity for leadership is simply the amount of work that I’ve put into speech and debate this year. For instance, I’ve assembled many different files for the team – four separate slow affs (BIT, AIIB, Food Safety, and Space were primarily cut by me), several fast files (T-Military, the cyber neg, impact defense compilation), as well as updates and assignments before every major tournament. Even after nat quals, when my season ended, I’ve still been cutting files that the upperclassmen ask for and that I think might be helpful to ensure our success at nationals. However, I don’t believe the best measure of leadership qualities is simply the sheer number of cards one’s cut. That doesn’t do much to improve one’s personal debate skills beyond topic knowledge, and as much as we would like it to be, …show more content…

My grades both freshman and sophomore year have generally been high, so I don’t foresee the balance with academics becoming too much of an issue. While I participate in some minor extracurriculars outside of speech and debate, such as golf and piano, neither are a significant time commitment. I’ve more or less sold my soul to speech and debate – it’s by far the activity that I spend the most time on. However, if time management becomes an issue, I’ll prioritize the speech and debate work that will ultimately reap the most benefits. For example, instead of cutting a massive amount of evidence that we’ll never use for our slow aff, I’ll spend the time listening to others or spending a couple hours working out particular phrasing and a solid

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