Digits and Widgets
Operating out of Southwestern Ontario, Canada, Digits and Widgets exists to provide the most reliable delivery service in the automotive industry for electronic car parts to various brand name manufacturers. We have a skilled labour force and provide national transportation from our plant. To accomplish this we use the best business practices including operating in a safe, clean, workplace that protects both our employees and the environment. We adhere strictly to ISO/TC 16949 standards to continually improve our processes and increase defect prevention. We always strive to exceed expectations.
Executive Summary
This document outlines how Digits and Widgets will create an effective Security Program to ensure that business critical assets and processes are protected from disruption and to minimize any impact resulting from any form of Information Security attack. This may include internal or external threats, physical and digital risks, and mobile technology while transporting goods. We will follow a structured process to first identify what our business critical assets and process are by information gathering from each department. From this point we will assess and evaluate the risks to our assets and processes. Finally, we will choose cost effective options to address our most business relevant risks. Continuing from here we will establish a maintenance program to ensure that as our business grows and evolves, so does our Security Program to
other agency in this state: We do no have any active contracts and are in the
Cyber-security demands are ever increasing in the field of Information Technology with the globalization of the internet. Disruptions due to cyber-attacks are affecting the economy, costing companies billions of dollars each year in lost revenue. To counter this problem
When taking a look deep into an organization’s different departmental operation, it becomes clear how to plan to protect the most data and also which areas is more operation critical. While preventing interruption is the most important aspect of this plan, no one can predict the weather or any other attack. As part of the steps to implement the business continuity plan, Sunshine Machine Works will need to document a risk management plan, business impact analysis, incident response plan, plan activation, incident response team, communications, contact list and recovery plan section. Once all has been documented, the organization will need to test, evaluate and update schedule.
In Tim Burton’s film, Edward Scissorhands, A boy named Edward sits in a castle, because the maker of Edward died of natural causes. So a women, whose name is Peg finds him, when she is trying to sell her product. She feels bad for Edward so decides to take Edward home to take care of him, and fix him up. In the meantime, Edward does all kinds of things like trims bushes, cuts hair, and cuts dogs hair which is really useful, because no one even pays him, he just does it out of kindness. Then Kim’s boyfriend Jim drives Edward into his dad’s house causing him to set off an alarm. The alarm causes the police to come to his house. After the police come Edward gets in trouble, and gets thrown in jail for a while. After Edward gets out he gets in trouble again for causing destruction of property and gets chased back inside the castle. The film is really unique, because of the characters, setting, and plot.
You probably don’t know this about me, but I used to be an eagle scout. And in order to be an eagle scout, you have to do things like go camping. And over the summer, my troop would like to travel about six hours north of Milwaukee to a place called Camp Lefeber, where we would camp in the wilderness for several days. About ten to twenty other scout troops from around Wisconsin would meet us there, and there were no cabins at the camp grounds. Instead, we slept in tents. My first year at camp, my friend, Matthew, and I had just the minimum age requirement to go: twelve years old. And, being the good friends that we are, we decided to share a tent for the time we were at camp. It’s not weird. We were in the wilderness. We shared for survival.
A requirement of potential suppliers that Integrated Devices should suggest is to have a Six Sigma expert apart of the supplier production team to aid in a quality driven, defect free commodity. This representative would be the subject matter expert on total quality as well as a liaison to the buyer’s supply management team and associated cross functional departments such as product/ quality engineers. Detailed in the contract concerning product quality must outline what are possible contingencies and problem resolutions in the event of commodity failure or defect. An additional factor that should be considered is buyer oversight outlining tools and/ or methods that would be in place for the buyer to ensure quality is being instituted in all phases of product development, engineering, production, and customer delivery.
Information security enabled by technology must include the means of lowering the impact of intentional and unintentional errors entering the system and to prevent unauthorized internally or externally accessing the system actions to reduce risk data validation, pre-numbered forms, and reviews for duplications. It is crucial that the mission plan include the provision of a disaster recovery and business continuity plan. On the other hand, there is much more intrusion activity today than ever before. Obviously, there is an increased concern for attacks through companies’ network in an effort to either commit malice or affect the integrity of an organization’s most valuable resource. Therefore, it is important that companies do not get complacent in their IT infrastructure security. The fact of the matter, there is no perfect system; however, it behooves organizations to protect their information by way of reducing threats and vulnerabilities. Moreover, Whitman and Mattord (2010) said it best, “because of businesses and technology have become more fluid, the concept of computer security has been replaced by the concept of information security. Companies
Just like every other organization, Adius, LLC relies on information technology to manage their information, processes, and assets in order to thrive, conduct their business efficiently, and deliver their services effectively. However, no organization is immune from cyber-attacks and threats. In fact, cyber-attacks and threats have been increasing exponentially during the past few years. Having outdated and irrelevant cybersecurity procedures, policies and practices places organizations in greater vulnerabilities and risks. For this reason, cybersecurity procedures, policies and practices in place must be in line and be more relevant to the security needs of Adius, LLC.
PLF 4M1 is a class like no other, a class which will help you develop many important and useful skills necessary in order to become successful. Rather than being taught with lessons and notes, the class is taught with a hands on approach. Each task done within helps promote leadership, time management, team work, organization, and stepping out of comfort zones. The very first task was the Popsicle stick bridge where teams were competing to see whose bridge could hold the most weight before cracking. This specific task was just a small taste of what was to come. Students were given a time limit and a limited amount of supplies, which forced teams to work together in order to be most successful. Time management was important factor because if
Since E-Commerce and technology evolves every day, developing a team or process to stay on top of potential business risks associated to security.
As we continue to rely more on technology, it is important to mitigate the security risks that come with
Parts Emporium, Inc. is a wholesale distributor of automobile parts formed by two disenchanted auto mechanics, Dan Block and Ed Spriggs. Originally located in Block’s garage, the firm showed slow but steady growth for 7 years before it relocated to an old, abandoned meat-packing warehouse on Chicago’s South Side. With increased space for inventory storage, the company was able to begin offering an expanded line of auto parts. Fifteen years later, Parts Emporium was the largest independent distributor of auto parts in the north central region.
Music has been and is a very important aspect of my life, and I demonstrate my passion for it with the viola. I had never been able to own a personal viola due to financial and need based situations and so I grew accustomed to school offered instruments. This did not refrain me from challenging myself with various music opportunities.
While all of these technologies have enabled exciting changes and opportunities for businesses, they have also created a unique set of challenges for business managers. Chief among all concerns about technology is the issue of information security. It seems to be almost a weekly occurrence to see a news article about yet another breach of security and loss of sensitive data. Many people will remember high profile data breaches from companies such as T.J Maxx, Boston Market, Sports Authority, and OfficeMax. In the case of T.J. Maxx, a data breach resulted in the loss of more than 45 million credit and debit card numbers. In many of these incidents, the root cause is a lack of adequate security practices within the company. The same technologies that enable managers can also be used against them. Because of this, businesses must take appropriate steps to ensure their data remains secure and their communications remain
Safety of information is the most valuable asset in any organization particular those who provide financial service to others. Threats can come from a variety of sources such as human threats, natural disasters and technical threats. By identifying the potential threats to the network, security measure can be taken to combat these threats, eliminate them or reduce the likelihood and impact if they should occur.