
An Organizational Profile Of The United States Army

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An Organizational Profile of the United States Army:
Katherine Bingley
University of Louisville
Dr. Bradley Carpenter
ELFH 490
May 27, 2015

An Organizational Profile of the United States Army I have chosen to write about the United States Army for my Organizational profile. Not only was it extremely interesting to look at the organization that I love and how it functions, but it is the one business that I feel most comfortable with. The Army employs approximately 530,000 Active Duty Soldiers and 330,000 civilians, making it one of the largest, most powerful corporations in the world. Founded in 1775, it is one of the oldest businesses in the United States and is rich with history, symbolism, and structure (citation, year). The Army is so interesting to me because it has so many different lines of effort. Of course you have to train Soldiers to fight and win, but you also have to take care of the families, run a town, manage factories and hospitals, and provide education for the children. What other organization does this on such a large level? Even the other branches of the Armed Forces can?t compare to what the Army accomplishes on a daily basis.
Structural Features Bolman and Deal (1997) stated that structural frames are goal oriented. The Army?s goal is simple, clear, concise and achievable; to win America?s wars. Every function that goes on within our Organization supports this goal in some shape or fashion.

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