
Informative Speech On Jumping The Broom

Satisfactory Essays

Jeanette Holley
Human Communication
Topic: Jumping the Broom General Purpose Statement: To inform. Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about what Jumping the Broom is. Central Idea: To inform my audience about Jumping the Broom, including its history, how the ceremony is performed and what it means, and how common it is today.
"Jumping the Broom, a Cultural Tradition"
You have just witnesses the most beautiful bride walk down the isle. You’ve watched her and her groom say their vows, kiss, and all of a sudden the officiant speaks then a broom is placed in front of them. They then proceed to jump over the broom and the crowd is very joyous.
What is happening? Why is everybody so happy about this old broom stick. …show more content…

A. It is argued that this custom has many different origins dating back to the 1600's 1. It is said that one of the most recognized birthplaces of the custom originated in Ghana when it was ruled by Asante of Ashanti Confederacy. 2. According to Imani G. Strong a University of Oxford MSc. Social Anthropology graduate "it has been found to have roots in Welsh Romani practices and also in Victorian English expressions in reference to sham or legally unrecognized ceremonies. Some speculate that it has West African origins and other practices with brooms in marriage ceremonies are thought to be connected." 3. During the trans-Atlantic slave trade African-Americans practiced Jumping the Broom which is what we really think about when most hear this phase today. B. Many cultures perform this ceremony. 1. Gypsies (Welsh Romani): 18th

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