Case Study Analysis Example
1. Executive Summary
The case study that will be analyzed in this report presents the case of an American woman who has been living and working in Bangkok, Thailand for three years. It comes without saying, that her life in Bangkok has not been easy. She does not speak Thai language and many of Thais do not speak English, this poses a communicational barrier. She does not own a car and does not have access to the corporate car, this poses a navigation barrier. Moreover, she had to face some differences in the approach to work in within Thai people. It came as a surprise for her that while Americans are usually ready to fulfill the tasks on the short notice, Thais are more laid back and are not willing to rush
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These numbers may be assumed to be relevant today. Chauvinism is, in fact, one of the only points that cannot be tolerated. While some of Racela’s integration problems can be solved or at least negotiated, the chauvinism that is enrooted in the culture is impossible to cope with for a Western person.
When coming to analyze the positive aspects of Racela’s life in Thailand we see that they are also valuable. To begin with nothing broadens the horizon the way travelling, and not only travelling but attempt for integration does. Racela mentions that she has become a totally different person and this is noticeable to everyone. This change had occurred in Racela because over the course of the last three years she got a chance to learn loads of facts about a totally new country. Moreover, she met people whose culture and behavior was so different from what she has used to, she has seen poverty, the latter made her realize that there are many things she must appreciate. So, to cut a long story short, looking back at the last three years we cannot but define them as meaningful and contributive to Racela’s character formation.
4. Discussion of Alternatives
There are two options, which Racela can choose from in the present situation. She can go back to the United States
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