
An Essay On My Oma Ellen Kremmerman

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Born in 1932 in Germany, my Oma was born into a happy time for the Kramer family. Seven years later however, all of the happy times were all but forgotten as Germany turned into a hostile and hateful country discriminating against all jews, including my Oma Ellen’s family. She was lucky enough to escape Germany and move to New York City but even than, many challenges had to be overcome.
Ellen Kremmermen was born in Gemunden Germany, 1932. Her family consisted of her mother Hedwig, her father Max, and her older brother Jerry. When she was 6 years old, the nazi party was slowly gaining more and more supporters and were accusing jews for all of Germany’s troubles. It was dangerous for jews and other families in the town were already getting visa’s and also, getting out of Europe but sadly, the Kramer family decided against leaving. As all the jews began to leave, the Kramer family realized they would soon be alone and before they had time to think it over, Max was taken away, to a concentration camp prototype. He was gone for 3-4 months and the rest of the family knew that they had to leave Germany. Shortly after realizing, Hedwig gave up the house and the farm in order to get her husband, and father of two young innocent children back. They were able to receive a visa and escape the corrupted country in 1939 before the beginning of the second …show more content…

With that being said, there will definitely be mistakes made by me which I will not be able to fix, but I will be able to learn from them and improve myself. I plan to go to a good college, get a good education, and get a substantial job. Both my Oma and I hope that I will meet a girl (who my Oma insists must be jewish), and get married. Maybe have a few kids too. When all of that happens, I will pass on the story of my resilient Oma Ellen and how she was able to overcome almost every obstacle that faced her in

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