
An Essay About Immigration Immigrants

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Vo: What made them leave their homes? …. What made them choose this country? .... What new lives are they building in the United States?
Insert title: Immigrant’s Stories
Vo: I came to the United States wanting to find out what is the perspective of immigrants about the American Dream?... A very popular subject among us, people from other countries around the world.
So, I decided to document this experience to check some myths and facts about immigration and the American dream, through the life of eight immigrants.
IRIS RIOS: I’m from Mexico and I was 3 years old when I came to the United States….
My dad says that he was tired of having things given to him, he wanted to work everything for himself, so one day he just told my mom hey, you know, we need a better life for ourselves, we need to move out of my mom’s house, and we need to struggle on our own and built ourselves up. And he couldn’t do that in Mexico because if he struggled my grandma will be like, oh, do you want money? I can give you money, here you go, or do you need this? I can give you this, you know, he was kind of tied down to her, and he didn’t want that anymore, so he came up here and he wanted to know the real struggle.
SUDESHNA ROY: I’m originally from Kolkata which is called “Kulgata” in East part of India, and I came to the U.S. in 2004.
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But I think that was the persona that was given, that you go to America you get an opportunity and there is a lot of opportunities in America, is just not the way, it’s not the whole

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