
An Egocentric Ex-Husband

Decent Essays

The Heart of An Egocentric Ex-Husband.

Robert Browning was a nineteenth century writer and poet whose works are famous worldwide.One of his poems that has been analyzed constantly is "My Last Duchess," a dramatic monologue of a Duke who is talking to the count's messenger about wedding arrangements through speaking about his last Duchess.He started off as simple,then his superiority complex took him over.

The Duke or the speaker in Robert Browning's "My Last Duchess" presents a calm demeanor at the beginning of the poem.He shows off a portrait of his ex-wife to a stranger,who we later learn is a messenger from his future father-in-law.He says to the messenger "That's my last Duchess painted on the wall/Looking as if she were alive"(Browning,1-2).This can be looked at as though she was/still is an object of his affection and that's the reason why he had a portrait painted of her. …show more content…

Upon further speculation,a little more of the Duke's personality reveals itself.Much selfishness can be found in the manner in which the Duke conceals the picture.He claims "none puts by/The curtain I have pulled for you but I"(Browning,9-10).If he's the only one who controls who sees the picture,it can be said that he might have been selfish and controlling towards her when she was alive,or in her death he finally found a way to control her.This seemed both funny and ironic, since he has another young woman waiting to be put to the

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