An Efficient Protocol for Service Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks In [40],introduced simple service discovery protocol targeting to minimize the number of messages in the network while at the same time ,keeping the waiting time for services at minimal. Moreover,the performance of the stationary wireless sensor network is assessed. Remote procedure calls are used to retrieval a service once it is discovered, which permits for richer and parameterized interaction with the sensor. Enhancing peer-to-peer content discovery techniques over mobile ad hoc networks Authors in [41], assessed performance of Peer-to-peer structured and unstructured content discovery techniques over MANETs. Moreover, authors …show more content…
After extensive studies on the analytical properties of the optimal solution, MDSCR heuristic algorithm is presented to achieve an effective service composition and recovery solution for ad hoc networks with anonymous node mobility. Simulations results conducted with using the proposed MDSCR algorithm in various network environments, reveals that the presented algorithm can achieve better performance than traditional methods. BloomCast _Efficient Full-Text Retrieval over Unstructured P2Ps with Guaranteed Recall BloomCast [44], introduced an efficient and effective full-text retrieval scheme, in unstructured P2P networks. Effectiveness came from grantees best recall rate with high probability. Also its efficiency came from reducing the overall communication cost of full-text search below the known bound. Moreover, communication cost and storage cost for replication are significantly reduced by selecting Bloom Filters instead of the raw documents across the network. The Results of mathematical proof and comprehensive simulations shown that BloomCast outperforms available schemes regarding both recall rate and communication cost. A Cluster-based Multipath Delivery Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks CMDS in [45], exploit the multipath and cluster approaches to enhance the ability of load balance, which is extending the network lifetime. CMDS divide
A group of wireless sensor nodes (devices) dynamically constructs a temporary network without the exercise of any pre-existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. The main goal of ad-hoc networking is multihop broadcasting in which packets are transferred from source node to destination node through the intermediate nodes (hops). The main function of multi hop WSN is to enable communication between two terminal devices through a bit of middle nodes, which are transferring information from one level to another level. On the foundation of network connectivity, it dynamically gets to determine that which nodes should get included in routing, each node involved in routing transmit the data to further
A WSN is a type of wireless networks that consists of collection sensor nodes which are tiny devices. Each sensor node of the network has different processing capability. It may contain multiple types of memory (program, data and flash memories), have a RF transceiver, have a power source (e.g., batteries and solar cells), and accommodate various sensors and actuators. The nodes communicate wirelessly and often self-organize after being deployed in an ad hoc fashion [13, 14]. Optimum need of each sensor node is to maximize its own utility function. Also the whole network requires resource assignments balance to perform in a useful and efficient way. This chapter presents a brief survey on WSNs showing its types, characterizing features, protocols and applications.
On the other hand, a few noted potential benefits can result from this evolving technological advancement to take under consideration as well. A large percentage of patients that participated in both studies mentioned that they would understand their health better and follow medicine doses more correctly if they received it in a written format rather than in person with a clinician. Some participants referred to the term “white coat syndrome” which are patient’s nerves being heightened when in the doctor’s office and not remembering what steps had to be taken for their condition (Gerard, M 2017). Some words are thought to hurt initially when read but may seem less harsh when seeing a written document from internet portal describing the issues.
A paper authored by Montresor (2001) outlines a new approach, aptly christened Anthill, for designing peer-to-peer (P2P) applications based on comparisons to ant colonies. The paper proposes a framework to assist with the development of fresh protocols for P2P methodologies. The author considers how there are issues that typically apply to P2P projects such as security and routing for which conventional algorithm techniques for resolving these issues are deemed inappropriate. Therefore Anthill is proposed as a framework to support individuals in the investigation and design of innovative P2P algorithms.
The Montresor (2000) paper outlines a new approach which is christened Anthill, for designing P2P applications based on comparisons to ant colonies. It continues with proposing a framework to support the development and study of new protocols based on a P2P approach. The paper considers how there are common issues such as security and routing that are applicable to P2P projects however conventional algorithm techniques to resolve these issues are deemed inappropriate. Therefore Anthill is proposed as a framework to support researchers in the design and the analysis of new P2P algorithms.
Mobile ad hoc networks; multipath routing; route Discovery; link availability; Ad Hoc ondemand multipath distance vector(aomdv); distributed Hash table(dht).
The DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) routing protocol dependent on the cache memory for every node to store the routing path from source to destination. It is a new algorithm using DSR routing cache technique to improve the routing between mobile nodes to reduction the effect of mobility in link transmitting that can solve link broken problem.
The network protocols usually follow Encounter-Based Routing, Delegation Forwarding or Coordinated Delegation Forwarding. Each of these techniques has a drawback. Optimal Routing makes use of the best of all these routing techniques and transfers the packet from source to destination.
Multiple autonomous, tiny, low-cost and low-power sensor nodes comprise a wireless sensors network (WSN). The sensors nodes are equipped with various types of sensors such as thermal , acoustic, chemical, pressure, weather and optical sensors which gather information from various nodes and collaborate to forward sensed data to base stations for further processing. WSNs designers have to address common issues related to data aggregation, data reliability,
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a collection of large number of sensor nodes and at least one base station. The sensor node is an autonomous small device that consists of mainly four units that are sensing, information gathering, processing and communication. In wireless sensor network there of many issues that are much affects in communication, processing and in deployments. The main issue is its coverage and connectivity problem. Most of the times communications does not prohibited properly amongst sensors and base station due lacking of ranges problem. Full coverage and connectivity means that every location in the field is covered by at least one node and
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a computer network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations.[1] The development of wireless sensor networks was originally motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance. However, wireless sensor networks are now used in many civilian application areas, including environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, home automation, and traffic control.[1][2]
To solve the problems of flooding, an approach known as gossiping, has been proposed [ref]. Gossiping uses a simple forwarding method and does not need costly topology maintenance. It uses a randomized rule to forward data packets. Each sensor node transmits the incoming data packet to a randomly selected neighbor. After receiving the data packet, the neighbor randomly chooses one of its own neighbors and transmits the packet to the neighbor chosen. This process continues until the data packet reaches its destination or the hop count is exceeded. Gossiping limits the number of data packets that each sensor node is sent to its neighbor to one copy which avoids the implosion problem. However, random selection of neighboring node is an unsafe
A routing protocol is required to find routes between nodes within the network. We are presenting two different routing protocols and their evaluation and then provide a comparison and discussion of their respective advantages and drawbacks. ABR (Associativity Based Routing) and RSR (Robust Source Routing) protocol. In ABR protocol, a route is selected based on nodes having associativity states that imply periods of stability. The ABR protocol is suitable for mobility in ad hoc wireless networks. Whereas the RSR is secure, on-demand, multi –path, source routing protocol.
Load balance and node distribution: Most of the routing protocols that opts Cluster head architecture, don’t consider even distribution of nodes under cluster. For example, one clusterhead have 10 nodes and other cluster head have only two nodes. The energy of the cluster head with 10 nodes, will drained fastly as compared to the cluster head with two nodes only. The design of EEHCBF protocol considersthe feature of evenly distribution of the nodes under cluster head.
With the emergence of the computer came new technologies, one of which is the distribution and free access to information across the internet. Peer to Peer (P2P), a form of file sharing allows people to participate in the distribution and sharing of multimedia files across a wide network of connected computers on the internet. This allows them to transfer many files between two computers across the internet through other file-sharing networks. It also created