We all have hardships and difficulties in life. As human beings, we go through heart wrenching, painful experiences. Part of this pain is caused by loss; people die, we lose our health, we have financial pressure. Despite these excruciating experiences, many people decide to go on and make something of their lives. I believe I am such a person. Although I have experienced many terrible losses as a result of death and illness, I have pushed past the physical and emotional pain to achieve where I am today, and I believe I can continue doing so. Because of this quality, I excel at the sports, charities, and academic work I am involved in. My name is Jessica Marie Tramp. From my senior year at Chugiak High School, I plan to attend Northern Arizona University. I am applying for this scholarship in the hope that the ways in which I have grown as a human being and a student will be an asset to the any institution that accepts me for study. I have become a well-rounded mature person as a result of my experiences, as I hope the following brief history will show. I have competed in several sports, including flag football in my freshman year, as well as basketball and softball for the past four years. I have suffered injuries such as a torn muscle in my shoulder and a hip injury, which caused me a great deal of pain. Even the doctors and physical therapists who worked with me could not believe the level of pain I was dealing with while I continued to participate in my sports. I
igned consent forms in criminological research provides protection for researchers and ethics committees by providing documentation that informed consent has been obtained, but poses a threat to potential research participants, especially offenders. Consent forms constitute a record of participation in a research project, providing the potential for research documentation to be subpoenaed. This is a threat to the offender's future wellbeing in research where offenders are asked to report on illegal activities. Further, there is a general reluctance among offenders to sign consent forms, creating a barrier to participating in research and potentially affecting response rates and representativeness of samples. Concerns over confidentiality may
My love of sports led me to playing soccer, basketball, volleyball and softball. I was on the JV Softball and Basketball teams for two years, and the Varsity Tennis Team for three years. During basketball, my sophomore year, I learned I had a splayed pelvis with a bone missing that supported my back. It was very painful. My spine surgeon encouraged me to quit sports, telling me physical therapy would be difficult, and at best, would only allow me to continue with one sport. I went to physical therapy; it was extremely difficult, but made my back strong enough to play tennis. My senior year I was the Varsity Team Captain and placed fifth on the singles
There has been an agglomeration of controversy and questions about whether or not college athletes should be paid along with their scholarships. There are good arguments for both sides and so far, the college board of athletics has not changed their current view on the situation, which is that the athletes are students and do not work for the university, therefore, they should not be paid. The following are questions that must be asked before determining whether or not college athletes should be paid or not. Are the scholarships the athletes are giving considered their payment? If the athletes are paid, can the school only pay certain sports or players? Sports such as men’s basketball and football have the strongest case in getting paid because they bring in a good amount of money for the universities and the NCAA. Last, if colleges do pay the student athletes, should they overlook what the players use the money for? Many people believe
My father is going to retire in some years and my mother is a house wife. They both have invested in their house heavily therefore these reasons might affect my family’s ability to fund my college tuition.
As an experienced runner at the peak of my season, I injured myself in my junior year of high school. I was diagnosed with bilateral tibial stress fractures by my physical therapist. Dedication was shown at its finest. I would run four to five events a meet while in excruciating pain from my knees down. Event after event, I would cry in pain, ice my legs, and thenceforward returned right back to the starting line for the following race. After being forced to terminate my season early in order to rest, my injury exposed me to the reality of the pain that multiple athletes may be experiencing. Generally, the athletes I recognize or hear of are dedicated to their sport. I believe that the worst feeling for an athlete is being told that they cannot participate in a sport they have put a numerous amount of time and effort into. For myself, I cried for days after being taken out of my season early. I realized that I did not wish for any other athlete, let alone another person, to have to cry in disappointment due to an injury that hinders a dream or goal. At that moment I realized what I was called to achieve; I was called to prevent and treat those painful athletic injuries as an athletic trainer and physical therapist. I believe that being an athletic trainer that has experienced the pain caused by dedication, effort, perseverance, and even poor training could cause me to be more relatable to patients that I may have in the
Growing up in poverty meant always being in a pinch for money. This led me to my decision of seeking a job within the first month of my freshman year in high school. Thankfully, this decision led me to the precious self-taught skill of time management. I was able to build my skills until my sophomore year. I tried to take on more shifts at work than I could handle, in aspiration of saving up for a car, and consequently my grades began to slip. I acquired my first C in my favorite class: Chemistry. Being an aspiring student in the medical field, and a student who prides themselves on their grades, I was devastated. As a result, I soon reached the epiphany that one has to have priorities in life; I chose mine to be education. I discussed with my boss my situation and she gave me a set schedule of a doable 4 days a week. This allowed me to do my homework and studying in advance. This also permitted me to get enough sleep,
My academic goals are to obtain a degree in Health Science, with a minor in German. After graduating, I plan to pursue a master’s degree in Athletic Training. While in high school, I was part of the soccer and golf teams. My involvement in sports has had a very positive impact on my life. My coaches have had a great influence on my love for my communities sports and my goal to pursue a career in athletics.
I believe I have a high pain tolerance. Countless bruises, messy hair, bloody knees and intense coaches pushing me to work harder. Growing up, I played competitive softball, traveling around the country dreaming of being recruited. As junior year began, I was injured and had to have a atypical surgery. I tore my rotator cuff and labrum and hurt almost every other muscle in my arm. Despite the disapproval of my parents, physical therapists and doctors, I continued to play up until the day of my surgery. I have such a motivation to succeed and be the best, that I felt like if I stopped playing I would no longer be the best. In the effort of trying to be the best, I ended up hurting myself more. With everything I do, I refuse to quit or accept
I hope my honesty about my academic journey demonstrates that I am a worthy recipient of your scholarship because I have learned success comes from hard work and learning from failure. I greatly appreciate your consideration. Please know that this scholarship will make a positive impact on my academic career and will be greatly appreciated. I can assure you that I will be a dedicated professional that you will be proud you invested
Ever since I was a young kid I have always been interested in movies. My grandma, who was full of the wise the life experience left, always knew about my interest in movies. She feed my vain for the art. Even though her religion, she professed Adventist of seven-day religion, didn't let her go to the cinema, she always found the way to took me to the cinema. She and I enjoyed watch movies. We used to sit in the darkness room, with our faces illuminated from the reflection of the light which rebooted from the screen, both absorbs in the plot of the movie which made us laughed or cried. After the movie, while we went back to her home, she started to talk about the movie. She had a particular point of view where the main story
The foreclosure crisis is the second major financial dilemma of the twenty-first century. To solve this, the roots of the problem need to be dug up and exposed followed by replanting with an appropriately improved regulatory system to help build stronger roots for the future. It seems that the free market system can't be free anymore given its intertwining roots extend way beyond domestic to international financial systems. There are two fundamental causes to the latest credit crisis: 1) poor quality securitized mortgages and 2) insufficient underwriting for credit poor borrowers. Secondary (downstream) problems making the financial crisis more complex include underemployment and business failures. Many banks,
There is a high rate of adolescent suicide with the cause being undetermined. The purpose of this paper is to determine if there is a correlation between stress and adolescent suicide. Stress is a state of mental or emotional tension resulting from demanding circumstance; it can affect an individual’s body and mind, which can eventually lead to a mental breakdown. Literature review and qualitative research was the method use to formulate this paper. Based on the results, it is determined that stress- although significant, is not the primary cause of suicide. Furthermore, with diagnosis and proper treatment suicide can be prevented.
Many believe that scholarships can be handed to anyone and don’t understand the effort in receiving one. Though numerous people are qualified for scholarships not everyone can receive one. Taking into consideration of others, I’m not the only one going through a hard time and others who have it worse also want this scholarship as much as I do. I believe I should receive this scholarship because I was involved in many activities, support myself, and have many health expenses.
I hope to demonstrate through this part of the application that I am a worthy candidate for your 2016 scholarship. Throughout my high school and college careers I have been a dedicated student-athlete as well as an involved community member. I played four years of baseball at Broadneck High School including three years on varsity. I also played junior varsity football my freshman year and due to injuries, I moved to managing the varsity football team for three years.
Attach an essay explaining your outstanding loyalty and service to your school, community and family. Include how your future plans will involve service to others.