
An Analysis of 'Acting White: The Ironic Legacy of Desegregation'

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I. Acting White A. Introductory paragraph 1. Stuart's conception of acting white is defined. a. This term is used by African American students who view other African American students excelling in academics as acting white. B. First supporting paragraph 1. The negative effects of desegregation was the conception of acting white. a. The quotation from Sohn reaffirms the perception of acting white. C. Second supporting paragraph 1. There is a scoring gap between blacks and whites. a. The quotation from Sohn alludes to a link between the scoring gap and the idea of acting white. D. Third supporting paragraph 1.Peer influences play a critical role in forming one's identity. a. The Fitzpatrick quote shows that school and performance influences the forming of identities. E. Fourth and fifth supporting paragraphs 1. Teachers play a large role in the formation of a student's identity. a. They can reinforce negative stereotypes and influence students not to try hard in school. F. Sixth supporting paragraph 1. There are additional factors related to the formation of one's identity. a. These factors are little discussed and pertain to demographic and health as elucidated by the quote from Morgan et al. G. Conclusion 1. Teachers may possess a natural bias towards students who choose to work hard. #2 I. Acting White A. Introductory paragraph 1. Stuart's conception of acting white is defined. a. This term is used by African American students who view

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