
An Analysis Of Richard J. Webbs And Wendy Chapkins

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The main objective of Dying to Get High, a book written by Richard J. Webbs and Wendy Chapkins, is to spread awareness of the benefits of medical marijuana. A major topic of this book is WAMM, Wo/Men’s alliance for Medical Marijuana, which is a group that encourages the use of medical marijuana for ill patients who are eligible. They primarily argue that these patients could benefit from the therapeutic effects of medical marijuana, yet it is considered illegal according to the law. Throughout this book, several stories are told by patients themselves, court cases are depicted, and battles are fought for the legalization of medical marijuana. The main discussion of Dying to Get High is the use and legalization of medical marijuana, a highly debated topic. Chapter one discusses how in early times, marijuana was a common medicine that treated many medical conditions. Through the years, it began to be seen as a dangerous substance to due to social issues such as the association with other racial groups that created this moral panic. Therefore, marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, though there were many studies that proved that this substance as minimal effects. Chapter two shows how in an attempt to spread awareness of the medical uses of marijuana, WAMM, Wo/Men’s alliance for Medical Marijuana, was created. This is a nonprofit group that grew cannabis and gave it to their members for free in return for donations or volunteer work from those members.

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