Add an Activity Center/ Fitness Center in Mobridge, South Dakota “Mobridge, South Dakota, founded in 1906, is a city with a rich history and an economy driven by tourism and recreation.” (City of Mobridge, South Dakota 2016) Missouri River Pins and Pizza was built in 1998 to enrich the lives of the youth in Mobridge, South Dakota. It was a bowling alley until 2005, when it burned down. Many years ago, I remember celebrating not only my birthday, but many other of my friends’ birthdays there. They had the best pizza ever. When it burned down, it left and still leaves no place for the youth to gather. Mobridge no longer attracts many families and the youth are turning to crime as their only pastime it seems nowadays. The best solution to remedy these problems is to build an activity center attached to a fitness for all ages of Mobridge and surrounding communities to gather, keep obesity rate down and mostly keep the youth out of trouble. The problem in my small-town community is that there is nothing to do for not only teens, but all ages. Teens today are often at risk of abusing substances, getting into trouble, and causing violent scenes. They also are still trying to discover who they are, what interests them, who to hang around with, and just discover themselves. An issue people debate about is the actions that teens choose to do. Many teens often hangout in groups at variety locations such as houses, parks, the mall, and other places such as an activity center. Although
In chapter five, “Facility Design and Planning”, the text talks about the design and planning of an athletic training room and how the best ones are those that have undergone comprehensive planning before its development. Spacing, lighting, accessibility, and traffic flow are key elements that should be considered in the planning of an athletic training room. The process will also include collaboration with internal and external stakeholder and contractors.
Planet Fitness and YMCA are one of the two biggest fitness gyms in the nation today; a merger of these two companies can create a gym powerhouse. The merger of these two groups can also create conflict because of the two groups’ different ideas and views on certain areas of their business. To keep the peace between the two groups we must be willing to work together and share ideas and communicate with each other. Team development may sound easy, but conflict always arises somewhere within the planning. To deal with these, we must listen to all concerns and comments and we must make a plan that everyone is apart of and that everyone will agree upon. We want the merger of these two companies to be a better version of Planet Fitness and YMCA.
Entry into Bell Road Branch YMCA facility in Montgomery, Alabama invites one to a world of fitness and sporting. The center offers a variety of services ranging from leisure to fitness. For the sporting personnel, the center is the best place for exercise before games and one of the places to access routine training sessions. The site has got sporting and recreation facilities like swimming pools, basketball courts, and tennis courts. On the fitness site, pulse fitness, resistance and free weight areas are also taken care of by the facilities available. Cardiovascular fitness is also provided. Health and fitness are also a focus in the facility with healthy habits services being offered for different age groups. The mission of the facility is to provide the users with the best healthy experience and to ensure that anyone that enters into it comes out
If we want our children to become more active then we need to find ways to provide areas where they can safely plan and interact with other children. We need to encourage community members to actively participate in opportunities to create a healthier community. A partnership with community members is needed to make the changes necessary to promote and provide access to safe recreational areas for children. In the short term while we are trying to find ways to clean up existing playgrounds and build new ones, we need schools to open gyms and sports fields during non-school hours so children can play safely after school, on the weekend and over summer vacation. Creating affordable after school programs, summer programs and free or low cost summer camps for low-income families is a place to start while working on building more and safer playgrounds. There are challenges regarding cleaning existing playgrounds or creating new ones. Neighborhoods or schools lack the resources to provide playgrounds, parks and after school programs and some neighborhoods are unsafe for children. Parents can become advocates for their children by writing letters to school administrators and board members. Encourage local officials to install park equipment, bike paths and safer
As we age, our lives are divided into stages with inescapable hardships. The most difficult of these stages has proven to be adolescence and young adulthood, the years in which our personalities are defined. This juncture is the pinnacle of maturation, however, it is gradually becoming a plateau wherein inactivity is most prevalent. It is indisputable that American children and young adults alike are lingering in their youth for far too long. Many in their teens and twenties are holding tight to the freedom of childhood by depending on their parents, refusing to settle down, and avoiding responsibility. Through their lack of independence, inability to commit and their indolence, certain action must be taken against adolescents
Morgan City is a town that carries a unique trait about it that few other cities do. Although it isn’t the biggest place, the sense of community and watching the city grow is some of the most incredible things. The businesses around town, especially the local ones, instinctively have the duty of aiding our community, instead of every man for himself mindset that the rest of the world seems to have. The result of this unity pays off, especially in the recent years. What before was a small passerby town is now bustling with activity and continues to gain new homes and enterprises annually. Although it continues to grow every day, it remains a rural location where a resident can have a healthy amount of resources without having to leave the
Teens in todays society are often at risk of abusing substances, getting into trouble, and causing violent scenes. They also are still trying to discover who they are, what interests them, who to hang around with, and just discover themselves. But an issue people debate about is the actions that teens choose to do. Many teens often hangout in groups at a variety of locations such as houses, parks, the mall, and other places such as a recreational center. Although teens may not see harm in being out and about with friends, adults may think otherwise. Some parents may be worried where there kids are or what they're doing, other parents may just say, "Let them be kids", and others
There are so many destructive choices that teenagers make when they have nothing to keep their minds occupied. Some of the different choices teenagers have made when bored are vandalism, speeding while driving, reckless endangerment, smoking, drugs like marijuana, Amphetamines, Adderall, Opioid painkillers, Synthetic marijuana, Tranquilizers, Cough medicine, Vicodin, Hallucinogens, OxyContin, Sedatives, Ecstasy (MDMA), LSD, Cocaine, Ritalin, Inhalants, and Salvia as well as drinking alcoholic beverages while definitely under age. The CDC says that “people from the ages of 12 to 20 make up 11 percent of all alcohol consumed in the United States.” Federal law in the United States says that you must be 21 or older to consume alcohol or any sort. That 11 percent may not seem so huge when you consider all of the alcohol being consumed by the United States each year, but remember that 11 percent are all teens and kids under the legal drinking age. However drinking is not the only path teenagers can choose out of boredom. Teenagers are also turning to drugs of all sorts no matter what kind of drug it is. As a matter of fact it is estimated that 3,300 try marijuana for the first time every day in the United States alone. A study has done that found that 12th graders who smoke marijuana are 65 percent more likely to get in a car accident. In addition 51.7 teenagers 10th grade through 12th grade have smoked pot sometime between the last month to the last year. Furthermore though marijuana is not the only drug that teenagers are using there is also cocaine and heroin. As a matter of fact 2.5 percent of teens have been caught up in cocaine use of some sort. On top of that did you know that the average treatment age for a heroin addiction is 23 is most people getting addicted in their teens. Regrettably another serious issue that costs hundreds of lives a
like gender, social class, sexual orientation, and other aspects of life. With this social attunement
First of all brain studies show that teens brains have not fully developed. As people get older there brain begins to develop more. But as teens go through adolescence their brain undergoes extensive remodeling. The things that teens do are the things that they get good at. If your practice something you will remember it. If you don't do something for a while you will forget how to do it. Teens tend to take more risks when they are with their friends. The frontal cortex of the human brain doesn't fully develop until you are in your early to mid twenties( First article). Tho teens do score way better then kids around ten on brain development test, they do not score as good as many adults. As a result of this many parents say that their kids are not capable of choosing their partner. Others say that teens can make a good
Teens sometimes have too much time on their hands, and boredom can be dangerous for a young adult that is seeking an easy way to have fun. The words “alcohol” and “fun” go hand in hand. In fact, a study showed that about 34 percent of males and 40 percent of females drank to have a good time, which was the highest (“Why Do High School Seniors Drink? Implications for a Targeted Approach to Intervention”). When adults look back on their lives, they remember when they were young and dumb, and those always make for the best stories. Teens these days want that same outcome. Ian Newman, director of the Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol and Drug Abuse, observes that the “youngest generation most commonly said they drank to get drunk” (Nelson). Being buzzed makes for a great night and that is all that teenagers are seeking. They believe the only way to have fun is to be wasted and wake up in the morning in a daze, remembering small details in a blur. Parents should explain to teens that drinking is not the only way to have a good time. Persuade them to go to a bowling alley instead of just spending time at each other’s houses. That way they will have fun without being intoxicated, and trust me, it is
As I got an invitation to go to open gym with my friends, my main thoughts were, “I hope I can get some new skills tonight.” Little did I know, my thoughts about four hours later would be, “I have never been so upset, angry, or disappointed in my life.” As I walked into the cold, noisy gym, I was prepared to achieve my round off back handspring back tuck. I assured myself that I would be able to do it successfully. I wished that the ground was as soft and comforting as the dark trampoline with orange and blue bumpers. Seeing girls doing back walkovers on the thin, beige, four- inch beam, swinging their bodies around the slippery, uneven bars, and flipping themselves into the sky blue, squishy mat made me tell myself, “If they can do that,
I will need my own balls; I will use my own tennis racket. The main
In today’s busy world, it can be hard to find the time to even think about one’s fitness, let alone actually do anything to maintain it. The average person has school, work, family, pets, and many more distractions in their life to ensure their fitness is left on the backburner. However, when the thought of exercise does eventually enter their mind, the thought that often comes forefront is that of the gym. The concept of a gym is simple, populate a building with the necessary equipment for a variety of physical activities, attracting people who want to get that perfect body or even just get back in shape. However, many people who have never frequented a gym often come up with a plethora of reasons not to go.
Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, being influenced negatively by their peers, self-image and weight, or even arguments with their parents