Fear is an emotional response that is instinctive when faced with something, or someone that is perceived to be dangerous, or a possible threat to one’s well-being. This is something that everyone experiences on their own level. Everyone’s own interpretation of what they’re afraid of is different based on what they’ve seen or heard. Something that a certain individual’s fear might just be something that another individual might roll his or her eyes over. Fear comes from the amygdala, the part of the brain that has the role of processing memories and is the cause of the many emotions in humans. We start to express this feeling of fear from that part of the brain at an age as early as our adolescent years. Growing up as children we look up
Fear. Fear Is not just being afraid of that Clown that just follows you around on halloween night scaring everybody in sight. Fear is the emotion in the back of your mind that torments you every waking moment. It tells you what to say and keeps you from letting things out, even when sometimes the best thing for you is to let it out. “Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.” quoted by unknown.
Signal processing within the amygdala is further regulated by interactions with a network of external structures. In particular, the dMT and its projections to the CeL have been demonstrated to play a role in fear memory retrieval. Notably, the dMT is assumed to be extensively modulated by opioids considering its innervation with opioidergic fibers and the high expression levels of MORs. Previous studies have reported the MOR system in the PVT, as part of the dMT, to be involved in managing physical pain. Moreover, social pain, which describes social rejection, being excluded or not being liked by others and which is associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression, appears to involve the MOR system in the PVT (Hsu et al). However, so far a direct implication of
Fear is a feeling created in a response to a perceived danger. Fear can produce pleasure, heighten awareness, be in the form of phobia, a fear of the unknown and an instinctual response to danger.
Fear is something everyone feels at some point in their life. Fear is a feeling that your body produces in dangerous, threatening, or scary situations. It is the ability to identify danger and make a choice to either confront that fear or flee from the situation.Why do we human act in strange ways when reacting to fear in a negative way. Fear is a rash feeling that cause affect on humans. Fear would negatively affect people in ways to make them to unrashinal things. Positive things that can come out of fear is being alert and being more self aware.
What is fear? Fear is a particular state of mind than can be originated from a realistic circumstance or a sense
Fear is a feeling induced by experience, perceived danger, or watching a frightening traumatic accident. The fear responses arise from the perception of danger and ultimately a change in behaviour, such as fleeing, or hiding or from perceived traumatic events. Every person has fears and different fears may be different adaptations that have been useful in our evolutionary past. I have fears too, and sometime, I feel embarrassed to intersperse my fear with others.
Repeated stress is associated with aberrant glial morphology. The anomalous glial responses following stress are manifested as depression and associated disorders. The basolateral amygdala (BLA) exerts a positive regulation of the HPA axis and undergoes hypertrophy following stress. It is not known if the BLA hyperactivity is responsible for the stress-induced gliosis in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Accordingly, we evaluated if temporary or permanent inactivation of BLA could prevent the stress-induced aberrant glial morphology in the PFC. The chronic stress leads to microgliosis in prelimbic cortex. The inactivation of BLA during stress prevented the microgliosis in prelimbic cortex. These results indicate that the BLA plays an important regulatory role in the stress-induced deleterious effects on the microglial structure and function in the PFC.
Fear is a natural emotion. Many try to suppress their fears to no avail. While others say they fear nothing, some learn to live with their fear.
Fear can be caused by anything. Some people can control their fear. A lot of people don't even have fear. It may not phase them to be scared. If you get scared easily, theres a chance you're comfortable with the people surrounding you. Having a little fear in your body is not a bad thing. If anything, it's exciting. There are so many different ways to cause fear. You can go to different places with different scenes. Sometimes the people you're around cause you to act differently. I do belive fear can drive
When you meet something scary, sensory signal are sent by the brain to the thalamus. The thalamus, at the moment, cannot be sure if the signals received suggest danger. However, due to the possibility that it might be, it relays the information to the amygdala. The amygdala then takes protective measures, just in case, upon receiving the message from the thalamus. It tells the hypothalamus to initiate “self defense” mode .
What is fear? Fear is defined as an emotion that is caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, known as a survival mechanism. Just about everyone in the world has at least one unreasonable fear, for example such as being frightfully scared of spiders or speaking in public. Most, are inclined to avoid the things that cause this fearful sense. A few usual fears appear simply as a slight bother or fret, commonly when you feel somewhat worried or jumpy about something. Just as the definition states sometimes though, fear comes suddenly in an unexpected situation with danger. This is what is called fight or flight. Your mind in this particular occurrence is ready to either run away and avoid the circumstance or fight off the
Fear is a mental state rather than a physical state because it is about what you think of, not what you feel and also not knowing what is going to happen.
What is fear? Fear is a hormone, its a survival skill that's programmed into our brain nervous system since we were infants. Fear is what helps us avoid danger, it
According to my dictionary, Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. When the word "fear" comes to my mind, I think of an emotion that's caused by a bad situation. There are many things in this world that put fear in me. My greatest fears are computer viruses, thugs, sick people, and clowns. Each of these fears make me very scared and give me goosebumps.
Fear, is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous. Fear is a mental state rather than being physical because it's how your mind takes in a situation and it's not just about what is happening in front of you.