
Amygdala In Rhesus Monkeys

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In the addition to the hormone testosterone, other biological factors such as brain structures contribute to the behaviour of aggression. The amygdala is a part of the limbic system which is located in the frontal lobe of the brain. The amygdala is considered to function or mediate the expression of rage and fear. Research was conducted of rhesus Monkeys to determine if the amygdala was responsible for the behaviour of rage (Harry Harlow,1955). Researchers removed this region to determine the effect on the aggressive monkeys. The removal of the amygdala caused the monkeys to act lethargic and docile and inability to respond or to recognise possible threats. This research displayed the function of the amygdala in determining the fight or flight response in dangerous situations, contributing to when a human or animal should display aggressive behaviour. Therefore the amygdala’s role in regulating …show more content…

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for planning, reasoning. A study by Monte Buchsbaum (1985) examined the brain of 41 convicted murders who pleaded guilty under the reasons of insanity. The MRI scans of the participants displayed they had in fact psychological disorders, when compared to the control group of normal functioning brains. In certain locations of the murders brain they were found to have far less nerve cell activity. “The key difference between the murders and the control groups MRI scans was in the prefrontal cortex, the bundle of white matter behind the forehead” (Monmaney, 1998). The front lobe was displayed to have a large effect on the prevalence of aggression. The prefrontal cortex and amygdala are both localised in the frontal lobe. Both work collaboratively and influence the behaviour aggression and decision making in potentially life threatening situations. Another location of the brain contributing to aggression in the pre frontal cortex is the cingulate

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