
Amy Chua And Rosin Summary

Decent Essays

Amy Chua is an American author of Chinese descent and is the quintessential Chinese mom. Hanna Rosin works as an editor at the Atlantic and typifies the western style of parenting. The two authors advance distinctly different views about bringing up children. While
Amy Chua advocates for a strict no-nonsense approach, Hanna Rosin fronts a relaxed approach.
Chua presents the views that Chinese mothers have about bringing up their children and the weaknesses they see in western parenting. Rosin writes in response to Chua and in defense of western parenting and points out some weaknesses in Chinese parenting. This paper will explore the difference between the Chinese and the Western parenting models as presented by
Chua and Rosin.
At the beginning of her article, Why Chinese Mothers Are …show more content…

Rosin and Chua present divergent, but compelling arguments on the subject of bringing- up children. At first, after reading the article by the Tiger mother, one may be swayed by the arguments and admire the tenacity displayed by the Chinese mothers in maintaining an excellent cycle of success in the community. Upon reading the counter arguments by Rosin, the reader develops a different perspective and appreciates that the western model is not as bad as
Chua painted it in her article. Furthermore, Rosin, reveals some weaknesses in the model advocated by Chua. For instance, the fact that Chinese parents do not consider the talent of a child before forcing him/her to do their binding is quite depressing. On the other hand, Chua notes that the western system breeds emotionally and mentally fragile children who may be ill prepared to face the challenges of life. The two approaches are a byproduct of different philosophies. Still, in the end, no system is better than the other is; they both produce brilliant children who turn out into very successful adults. Both systems have weaknesses, which the proponents should address to improve

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