
Amusing Ourselves To Death Analysis

Decent Essays

In the book ”Amusing ourselves to death” Neil Postman is making an argument about the fact that humans could amuse themselves to death in their lives.Even if when we think of death we think at something terrible,in his book this particular term is asociated with ”amusament” which is a quite unusual asociation of terms.At the beggining of the book the author is making a paralel between Orwell and Huxley.What is quite known about these two is the fact that their ideas were different and the book ”Amusing ourselves to death” states this ideas.What Orwell feared were those who would ban books.What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book,for there whould be no one who would want to read one.Orwell feared those who would deprive …show more content…

As the influence of print wanes, the content of politics, religion, education, and anything else that comprises public business must change and be recast in terms that are most suitable to television. I also believe that the media of communication available to a culture are a dominant influence on the formation of the culture's intellectual and social preoccupations. What we see on television has a big impact on our lives, on how we act and what we like to do. Media learnt how to influence the masses and now they could actually change a countries culture if they want to. What we see on television is what we talk about, so it’s really easy to change the perception of things based on television. Language plays also an important role. Postman states that:” We know enough about language to understand that variations in the 10 structures of languages will result in variations in what may be called "world view." How people think about time and space, and about things and processes, will be greatly influenced by the grammatical features of their language. We dare not suppose therefore that all human minds are unanimous in understanding how the world is put together. But how much more divergence there is in world view among different …show more content…

The book ”Amusing Ourselves to Death” is actually an argument. An argument that we live in a trivial culture, that we take as valid information everything we see on television, or everything we think we know. Actually, everything is actually a metaphor. Time is a metaphor, language is a metaphor, life itself can be a metaphor. Culture can be changed really easily through information and information can be changed really easily through language. To what extent does the advent of instantaneous communication and information dictate the way we understand people? Does social media insist that we understand a person by the details he or she chooses to share? These questions are certainly relevant today, and if nothing else, the schemata for asking them laid out in this first chapter is a useful tool for

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