Americans should limit the amount of fast food they consume because fast food leads to avoidable diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Obesity is a serious disease that has negative effects on a human body. People who consume fast food and are overweight or obese have greater risk of developing diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and bone and joint disease. There are many reasons people become obese, such as genetics, lifestyle and the way your body burns its energy. Genetics have shown that you are more likely to become obese if your parents are obese. Your chance of being overweight increases 25 percent if one or both of your parents is obese. Heredity also strongly influences where you carry weight the hips or around the middle. Metabolic - How you expend energy differs from how someone else will. Metabolic and hormonal factors are not the same for everyone, but these factors play a role in determining weight gain. Recent studies show that levels of ghrelin, a peptide hormone known to regulate appetite, and other peptides in the stomach, play a role in triggering hunger and giving you a feeling of fullness after eating. Lifestyle – Overeating in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, contributes to obesity. Changing your behavior can affect these lifestyle choices. If you eat a diet in which a high percentage of calories come from sugary, high-fat, refined foods, chances are you 'll gain weight. As more American families eat on the go and
Obesity has always been around, however what could be the main source as to why apparently many people are overweight? Fast food could be the answer. As fast food is created by the media and advertisements to be something delicious, irresistible, and affordable, making people feel a need to invest their money to these types of food. When people fall into these advertisements they do not notice all the ingredients put in these foods that affect your health. They see only what the media wants to portray the food they are sponsoring. The availability of restaurants is also a key factor that plays in part due that it creates effortless access and is available with urgency. Factors such as advertising, no background of the ingredients contained, and convenience cause fast food to be a significant reason as to why people are obese.
Consuming fast food is also associated with poor health outcomes, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.5
Americans should eat less being there are so many obese adults and children due to unhealthy eating habits. Eating less we could live longer, much healthier and not be overweight. Many American’s are obese, resulting in a problem that we do not take the time to address. So many different things go wrong by not eating the right foods.
We like everything in an instant. Individuals like fast cars, fast communication, and most of all we love fast food. Having things in life come in an instant seems great but there is a price to pay. Therefore, fast food may be convenient but it is costly. Although, fast food may save you time now, it will cost you years of your life later. Most foods that are quick and convenient are full of refined sugars, carbohydrates and other processed food. Sadly, these attributes of convenient food causes many of us to overeat. Dr. Lustig referred to individuals who eat a lot as “gourmands.” Sadly, there are a number of things that happen when we consume sugars, carbohydrate and fats. First, due to overeating an individual may have higher levels of leptin. Leptin is a protein produced by fatty tissue and believed to regulate fat storage in the body. According to Stephan Guyenet, when we become leptin resistance when our brain does not know when we are full therefore we overeat. Leptin resistance comes from a high consumption of sugar. Dr. Lustig suggest that sugar in the presence of insulin creates fat. I believe that obesity is direct effect of another underlying issue. Correspondingly, we all know the effects sugar has on our bodies, but yet we continue to consume it in high quantities. In my opinion, sugar is a drug and many people have an addiction to it. Sugars sends the same signals and high levels of dopamine to brain just as drugs. For example, I have an uncle who weighs about 900 pounds. He was not always this big, so what happened? As a child, he ate a lot of sugary foods and food that contains a lot of fat. Not only did my uncle eat unhealthy, but he was not very active. Therefore, there was a combination of factors that contributed to his massive weight gain. Obviously, his body started to become leptin resistant at some point. If you become leptin resistance and have an addiction to sugar then you
Fast food consumption can lead to adverse effects on the quality of dietary caused by higher energy intake. Increased risk of obesity is a major concern for parents
With some many fast food and all you can eat restaurant United States has been the breeding ground for widespread obesity in America. Moreover, there are many more contributing factors to obesity both childhood and adult, such as biological, environmental, social, or economic factors.
Fast food has a harmful effect on society because it can cause obesity. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry believes obesity “Overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults unless they adopt and maintain healthier patterns of eating and exercise.” (parag. 1).The causing and treating of obesity is complex but it is the most recognizable disease. Consistently eating fast food and a poor can lead to obesity in anyone. The risks of obesity include an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, fast food “Studies have shown that over the past four decades, consumption of food eaten away from home has also risen alarmingly” (parag. 8). This means that fast food is high in fat, sugar, salt, carbs, calories, saturated and trans fats. This type of eating leads to a higher body mass index or gained weight. Children and adolescents are at a
Before searching for ways to end obesity, we should know some of the factors that contribute to people becoming obese. Surprisingly, there are many factors that specifically affect teens. A few of them are, excessive use of electronics, a large consumption of fast food (which is high in calories.) and genetics. The most likely cause for the high rate of teen obesity is fast food. Most teens enjoy going out and buying a cheap and quickly prepared meal over making
In the United States, there are many people who believe that if it wasn’t for fast food restaurants, they would be eating healthier and wouldn’t be overweight. People have even tried to sue fast food restaurants for their own self esteem issues. It’s ironic that people actually blame fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s, for being obese. While fast food may be one of the contributors to the obesity outbreak, it certainly doesn’t stand alone. There are loads of reasons why people living in the United States are overweight. Some of these reasons involve dilemmas within the school arrangements, peer pressure, family genetics, educational issues, and even where a person lives. The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Based on the following literature review, I will argue that the two main causes of weight gain and obesity are poor nutrition and lifestyles changes. Regarding the consequences of weight gain, I will show how obesity promote the development of chronic diseases.
This imbalance of calories gained to calories lost results in weight gain, and when it affects many in a society, becomes a widespread issue. The average diet in first-world countries, and in a much worse level in America, is a likely cause for widespread weight gain. Fast food gets its name from the short time needed to make it, but suffers from its lack of nutritional benefit, boasting high calorie count among other factors. A regular consumption of fast food results in a
Americans eat too much fast food which is high in salt, sugar and fat. Scientists say that children born today can die before their parents because of eating unhealthy foods. Why Americans eat that way because they think healthy foods are more expensive than packaged foods and healthy foods take longer time to prepare. How can Americans make their diet better? They can stop eating fast foods and eat healthier foods and also have a piece of fruit for snack during the day.
Obesity refers to the condition of having an extra amount of body fat. Obesity is caused by eating too much and moving too little. When an individual’s amount of body fat becomes too high, they are at a greater risk of being affected with life changing diseases such as heart failure, hypertension, type II diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, and others. This shows that people should become more physically active and attempt to make healthier choices because their life depends on the decisions, they make.
A study of The Annals of Internal Medicine indicates that more than 70% of men and more than 60% of women have extra pounds because of the consumption of fast food in large amounts. In kids the problem gets more extreme. If kids consume too much fast food they could have high cholesterol and obesity, then they would have higher risks of cardiovascular issues, diabetes and heart diseases. Parents should prevent those kinds of health issues in their kids because it will be reflected in them as adults.
The decision of American schools banning junk food is ridiculous. The students want for sugar is inevitable, they will find a way to have some. Thus banning junk food will not help the school, but junk food is not the only issue with child obesity. Junk food should not be banned because schools are losing money, junk food is not the only cause of obesity, and students can bring food from the outside into the school.