
American Unreason Chapter Summary

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The Age of American Unreason by Susan Jacoby Technology and media have been two of the factors that have dramatically impacted our society today. Today’s society has become overwhelmingly reliant on technology and the media, which has turned our culture in a culture of distraction. If we were forced to live back before technology existed, how different would it change the way people are intellectually? The media and technology have allowed many people to get distract and take the easy way out. Nowadays everything is on the internet and we can get answers in an instant, which causes people to not have to think like people back then were forced to do. Due to this reason, a lot has changed in the last few decades with not only our culture, but with politics too. In The Age of …show more content…

Jacoby seeks to answer how and why these barriers negatively affect this “Age of American Unreason”. In Jacoby’s book she explain how American’s have become less and less intellectual over the year due to our culture our distraction. In order to understand what constitutes such anti-intellectualism in our culture, we must first understand what it means to be an intellectual. By doing this, it will help us understand why many American’s today lack such intellectualism. What does it mean to be an intellectual? An intellectual can take their subject(s) of expertise and use their knowledge to think critically and rationally. Someone who is an intellectual can apply their own reasoning and thought(s) to come up with a different understanding or well supported opinion/argument. Intellectuals do not limit their learning or thinking when they are at school or up until they graduate. Intellectuals have a passion for their field(s) of expertise which causes them to do further research outside of their school institution which then causes them to think the way they do. Intellectuals have to have to be able to master the ability to read about it, talk about, and write

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