
American Student Debt

Decent Essays

After reading about the historic court case of Robert Murphy, an unemployed 65-year-old man fighting to have over $200,000 in student loan debt dismissed through bankruptcy, I began to think “Have I been lied to about my investment in a college education”? Well, the answer is yes; we have all been lied to! Student loan debt is an invisible phantom that follows millions of Americans through their lives. We are told, however, that this invaluable investment is well worth the risk of living in financial destitution for the rest our lives. The truth is it creates even more hardships on Americans in the form of debt. I and millions of others are tired of the lies! If college is going to continuously be America’s golden standard for economic advancement, our next leader needs to fix the affordability of the higher education system and the debt that burdens Americans once and for all.
Many of us non-wealthy Americans have limited career options: graduate from high school and struggle to remain financially stable; join the military and serve our country in exchange for financial security; attend college financed through loans and possibly live the …show more content…

Nearly 75 percent of Americans believe the cost of education should be the responsibility of the federal government. What is indisputable is the fact that there are major flaws with our higher education system. Americans are fed up with this system and the power that it wields over our life! Any smart presidential candidate would notice Americans’ anguish over this problem and develop a solution to not only make college more affordable but possibly free and to solve the paralyzing issue of college loan debt once and for all. This will truly provide Americans with the freedom and the pursuit of happiness they are entitled to and ensure your placement in the oval

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