
American Revolution Dbq

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Not everybody knows that the famed thirteen colonies had to suffer many harsh fates under the hands of Britain to become our beloved United States. The thirteen colonies endured a lot while gearing up for an inevitable war against the British. After the French and Indian War, the British were in massive debt, so they turned to taxing and eventually torturing the colonists in North America, but when the American settlers tried to rebel, they faced even worse punishments, winding them up, like a toy, for war. The American Revolution was caused by three extremely significant causes, which included the colonists' blocked expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains, taxation without representation, and the many acts placed on the settlers from Britain. …show more content…

In Document Two, a secondary source, King George III, provided for the Proclamation of 1763 to "protect the settlers from potentially hostile Indians." The proclamation angered the colonists because they wanted to build on the land. Second, King George III feared that the land west of the mountains would be too far from Britain for him to control. After the French and Indian War, the King did not want to pay for another war, especially since he was still in tremendous debt. Document One, a secondary source, shows a map of North America, complete with territory markings. It shows Britain's land east of the Appalachian Mountains. Right next to the mountain range, Native American territory is close to Britain. This closeness between the colonizers and the natives could be why King George III passed the Proclamation of 1763. This event may have sparked anger from the colonists because it prevented them from expanding their territory, so they felt King George was restricting them from freedom. The second leading cause of the American Revolution was "taxation without representation." This fact means that the colonists, whom Britain was taxing, had nobody to defend them from being

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