
American Presidential Election Vs. The President Of The United States Of America Essay

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Question: One reason democracy is prized is that it is supposed to allow for ideological diversity. Examining Canada’s 2015 Federal election or the American 2016 Presidential election, does democracy in either of these cases reflect ideological diversity?
After examining the more action packed 2016 American Presidential election compared to the Canadian federal election, there are 2 main thoughts in the mind of democrats, that is the feeling of disbelief and fear, because Donald J. Trump is the president of the United States of America. How could this happen? How is it that the politically incorrect, bigot, liar, cheater and crook who goes by the name of Donald Trump president. All the polls before the election had Hilary thinking so highly of herself that she ordered fireworks that would go off when she won. I have the answer to this question, and that answer is Ideological Diversity. This election confirmed to the world that there is ideological diversity in the United States maybe in fact, a more diverse pool of polar ideas to draw from then we have ever seen before. The first reason that there is immense ideological diversity in America is highlighted through their educational system. A system that is corrupted by democrats whom find themselves in a position which they can directly shape the fabric of American politics but failed to do so in 2016. Secondly, the media in both America and Canada has an extreme bias to put their own views forward and suppress that of the

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