
American Physicians Roles

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In this paper, I want to talk about what kind of roles the physicians are playing in regulating access to reproductive choice in the United States of America. My focus in this paper is how some doctors are trying to encourage the middle-class heterosexual whites to have reproduction while discouraging the people of color, and gays and lesbians. I want to argue that a lot of American doctors are trying to use their cultural authority as a profession to promote their own preferred family ideal. There are still a lot of discriminations in the United States against women with different social status because there are decent amount of physicians trying to promote the “appropriate reproduction”. For example, race and sexual orientation are continuing to have big impact on the reproductive care offered to and received by women. This paper indicates how doctors exert their power in area like birth. Among all the problems we have, questions regarding to what constitutes appropriate childbearing are at the forefront. …show more content…

The existing healthcare system is also responsible for these discriminations. Thusly, insurance companies and hospitals are also responsible for this disparity for instance: certain forms of treatment are encouraged and the others are discouraged. This paper focuses only on physicians in order to highlight their unique role in enacting inequality in the care of reproduction, because doctors influence both the individual level of care provided to patients as well as the societal debates regarding the role of medicine in reproductive care. I want to use Michel Foucault’s theory which indicates that power transacts in the relationship of people to the knowledge elite such as teachers, doctors, therapists, social workers, and psychiatrists to back my

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