
American Opportunity Tax Credit For Higher Education Essay

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Introduction American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) was part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA: P.L. 111-5), enacted by Congress to give financial assistance to low income families and students and to promote higher education in the United States. Cost of Colleges and University are in constant increase year to year and the need for a postsecondary education as a mean to achieve personal growth, community and industry development in the present globalization of the economies make its necessary for government and lawmaker and families to understand the impact of the American Opportunity Tax Credit and how to extend it to more families and beyond the 2017 actual limitation. How can students and families make the best use of this important education program and avoid common tax return mistakes when claiming tax credit under the American Opportunity Tax Credit as outline by the Tax Code. This research is intended to review relevant sources including the IRC. Tax Foundation Reports, US Treasury Reports and Tax Bills submitted to Congress and investigate the history of the tax credit for higher education, the current state of the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) and evaluate some of the benefits and limitations of this law. Then review several Tax Bills introduced to Congress given the fact the American Opportunity Tax Credit, is in its final stage and need to be extended , including a revision of the scope to achieve the goal of promoting higher

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